build your own Electrical propulsion Devices.


Nov 8, 2003
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How to build your own Electrical propulsion device (ie: a Lifter).

The Lifter works without moving parts, flies silently, uses only electrical energy and is able to lift its own weight plus an additional payload. The Lifter uses the Biefeld-Brown effect discovered by Thomas Townsend Brown in 1928. The basic design of the Lifter has been fully described in the Townsend Brown US Patent N°2949550 filed on Aug 16, 1960 and titled "Elektrokinetic Apparatus", you will find in this patent the full description of the main principle used in the Lifter devices.

Today, more than 240 Lifter replications have been done successfully by many experimenters and physicists Worldwide.

The effect is thought to be due to air ionisation when tested in an atmosphere, and a certain percentage is. However a significant amount of the effect is still apparent when tested in a vaccum, many scientist refute to believe that its anything else other than Ionic wind in the vaccum which causes this effect. Even though the calculations indicate that Ionic wind is three orders of magnitude to small to be accountable fore the entirity of the movement. A large percentage of the effect appears to be taking place in the zero point domain, which means reactant mass may not be required to propel the craft if high enough voltages are used.
Cool, now all we need is to install the power supply onboard the lifter and figure out some way to control it.
alien ufo technology :O

*cue twilight zone music*
Someone build it and give us proof.
Give me the money for supplies and the plans and I will. ;)
Give me the money for supplies and the plans and I will. .. take your money, throw the supplies away, and burn the plans for your foney-baloney crap in my fireplace.
I love you and all these threads you post about energies, clarky. :)

Don't give up, you'll make one eventually! :D
I sent links to my older brothers. One of them is a rocket scientist/aerospace engineer, and used to work for NASA, but has moved on to bigger, top secret things :dork: He worked in a team that designed the unmanned bombers/fighters in use by USA, and also is an editor of a flight magazine. The other is a big plane, helicopter buff, and owns a plane. Both are fascinated by flight. (Im scared of heights lol)

I'm sure they will have something interesting to say. I'll let you know.

Personally, I think its REALLY cool that shit can fly, by tapping electricity from the air.
Tr0n said:
Give me the money for supplies and the plans and I will. ;)

The plans for a basic lifter are here:

its simple and cheap to give it a go, then all you need is a 20 kv electrical supply, you could experiment with higher voltages if your able too, and only if you know what your dealing with of course.

Although a bit more expensive, I reckon the most efficient shape for a lifter would be two thin alluminium disc's , the top one dome shaped, the bottom flat, increasing the positive surface area should give you more pronounced lift. This is the stuff of the future, if someone can prove that these have the capacity for faster than light speeds in a vaccum, going to other stars becomes a whole lot more easy and could change the way we look at things forever.

but im going to build a 2 foot alluminium test disc, Im hoping to video record it, when its done ill post it here asap :)

i may have access to a 200 kv generator, id like to hook my experimental disc upto that, I wonder how pronounced the effect will be :O with a larger effective surface area and 10 times the voltage , time will tell.
What's your technical background, Clarky?

-anyway, looks cool
umm, rogue scientist ;).. seriously, ive read a fair amount of quantum physic's, most of which I understand, even though im not great with equation's. Ive done alot of reading into alternate energies, and I got interested in Paranormal phenomina, also New Science, which Japan appears to be publically leading in, very much into technicalities of zero point energy, and vaccum theory. unfortunately in a world where the status quo of science tends to ignore anything outside of their established knowledge, things like this stay fairly quiet, but future generations have a chance to change for the better with the new theories and technology, and its all quite simple. I also like to bare this in mind.. races that dont change, especially when approaching crisis, suffer or die out.
clarky003 said:
umm, rogue scientist ;).. seriously, ive read a fair amount of quantum physic's, most of which I understand, even though im not great with equation's. Ive done alot of reading into alternate energies, and I got interested in Paranormal phenomina, also New Science, which Japan appears to be publically leading in, very much into technicalities of zero point energy, and vaccum theory. unfortunately in a world where the status quo of science tends to ignore anything outside of their established knowledge, things like this stay fairly quiet, but future generations have a chance to change for the better with the new theories and technology, and its all quite simple. I also like to bare this in mind.. races that dont change, especially when approaching crisis, suffer or die out.
Do you even know what zero-point is?
of course, zero point is what modern scientist refer to as dark matter, between atoms that make up our macroscopic physical reality there are vast voids of space that consist, supposedly, of nothing or dark matter, so much space infact that if you compressed all the atoms so they pressed together in the earth it would be the size of a tennis ball. that space is referred to as vaccum which is at zero, zero being a neutral point, hence the zero point of the vaccum. basic explaination, going into detail can take a while
clarky003 said:
umm, rogue scientist ;).. seriously, ive read a fair amount of quantum physic's, most of which I understand, even though im not great with equation's. Ive done alot of reading into alternate energies, and I got interested in Paranormal phenomina, also New Science, which Japan appears to be publically leading in, very much into technicalities of zero point energy, and vaccum theory. unfortunately in a world where the status quo of science tends to ignore anything outside of their established knowledge, things like this stay fairly quiet, but future generations have a chance to change for the better with the new theories and technology, and its all quite simple. I also like to bare this in mind.. races that dont change, especially when approaching crisis, suffer or die out.

Hehe, well I know about Quantum Physics mathematically, so maybe we can make an evil scientist team, I'll do the maths, you can deduce the theories, then we can make a "laser" on the moon.

I haven't heard much about zero-point energy, other than it just appearing in equations, eg the Einstein/Debye phonon model in solids.

Zero-point energy is the ground state of a system, which means it is the quantum state with the lowest energy.
But Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle suggests that the particle cannot have a velocity (momentum) = 0, otherwise the position would be completly unknown, it could be anywhere in the Universe (ie it cannot remain inside the imposed potential, classically constraining it)

Therefore the conclusion is that the velocity cannot be zero, hence the energy cannot be either.

Although when you go about delving into Zero-point energy, you need to take entropy into consideration, etc.

This requires a physics PHD. Maybe I will try that after I've become rich and can afford to go back to academia!
That's way to dangerous to do. You need at least 20000 volts for that thing to is interesting but to risky.
yeh interesting stuff, all I know, which makes sense to me, is that physicist's are trying to apply rules of the macroscopic world onto the vaccum which for all we know may not behave in any kind of known way. Its another realm, its must be energy, maybe not in the way we understand energy, the electron gets its perpetual momentum from somewhere, that somewhere must be the vaccum, I like to think of it in less scientific terms, because i find science has a way of 'materialising' things, numbers do not mean comprehension, they are simply a way to attempt to predict or explain an effect...

I prefer to think of the vaccum as an Etheric realm, where the structure of the universe is in a holistic state, very much like a holographic substructure that to us manifest's as our physical reality constantly replenishing the energies in the quantum realm that keep 'our' physical reality working, matter is not static its in a constant state of flux. If you think along these lines its sensible to assume that perhaps all the big bang was, 'if it existed' is a shift of potential in vaccum.
clarky003 said:
yeh interesting stuff, all I know, which makes sense to me, is that physicist's are trying to apply rules of the macroscopic world onto the vaccum which for all we know may not behave in any kind of known way. Its another realm, its must be energy, maybe not in the way we understand energy, the electron gets its perpetual momentum from somewhere, that somewhere must be the vaccum, I like to think of it in less scientific terms, because i find science has a way of 'materialising' things, numbers do not mean comprehension, they are simply a way to attempt to predict or explain an effect...

I prefer to think of the vaccum as an Etheric realm, where the structure of the universe is in a holistic state, very much like a holographic substructure that to us manifest's as our physical reality constantly replenishing the energies in the quantum realm that keep 'our' physical reality working, matter is not static its in a constant state of flux. If you think along these lines its sensible to assume that perhaps all the big bang was, 'if it existed' is a shift of potential in vaccum.

No numbers don't necessarily mean comprehension, but you normally need a comprehension to get the numbers.

And I can assure you, you cannot pass a physics exam without comprehension, numbers or not.

As for energy existing in free space, I believe Dirac had this kind of idea.

He proposed space was a "Dirac sea" of occupied negative energy states. This meant all states with negative energy were occupied up to zero energy. And exciting this state to a positive energy could produce an electron, leaving behind a hole in this negative energy state.
This hole what was refered to as an antiparticle.

However an infinite negative energy of states in free space implied free space was infinitely massive.

Richard Feynman proposed a solution to this, by the equation that energy states are represented by exp(px-Et)
(in natural units). His solution was that saying energy was negative is the same as saying that the particles are going backwards in time.
So, anti-particles are actually particles going backwards in time (according to the standard model). This resolved the issue of having an infinitely negative amount of energy in free space. think a high school drop out like me can build one of these things? :laugh:
short recoil said:
Do you even know what zero-point is?

Haha, thought you could catch him out with a tricky question ;)

Clarkey, why would it be capable of faster then light travel when the electrical impulses just add propulsion and do nothing to cancel the mass of the object?
for all u physics guys out there...Perpetual motion...Possible?
perpetual motion is an intrinsic part of nature, we didnt start the electron spining and where damned if we know how to stop it. It goes on around us everyday invisible to the naked eye.

perpetual motion devices however, maybe possible if you are able to tap in and use the vaccum energy that the electron is powered by.

as for faster than light travel, I believe so,, you see the thing is, the bifield brown effect distorts the local gravitational field, which causes its movement to take place, because of its effect in vaccum domain it folds space, its a funny concept to get your head round, but to the observer with enough energy the craft could accelerate and reach ridiculous speeds, its not actually enduring inertia because its compressing space in its own little bubble wake, so its moving space around 'it' rather than moving itself, to an observer, it appears to dissapear and reapear from one point to the next because of its speed. if people where onboard they would react the same to the distortion as the craft, experiancing next to no inertia of G forces, quite simply, the bigger and better designed , these craft get, with more energy inputted into them, the faster they will go, I believe light is just a medium, not a set speed limit, I honestly think it would be possible to go way faster than the speed of light.
thnx clarky...My friends dad has a major in theoretical physics and hes allways trying to make a perpetual motion device..I saw something on myth busters about it too and they tested some that didn't work but there are a whole bunch of them out there.
OK I emailed the link to my brother (bottom of page) and here's what he said.

*Note: ***** refers to locations or peoples names that may or may not wish to remain annonymous.

*Note: the videos claim to require RealPlayer.

(VirusType2)*****, you are psychic or something!!

Two hours before you sent this to me, my colleagues, ***** &**** and Dr. ***** **** were judging the Arlington science fair and a girl had done a project where she ran electricity through a triangular shape and it rose off the table. We couldn't figure out how it worked and I don't think she really had any idea either. She said she got it out of Wired magazine ( see also

We'll have to look at the documents on this page too ( to figure it out. It looks like no one else is quite sure either!

****(VirusType2's brother)
Videos here:
PS. There is a video of a big one lifting a mouse.
(Scroll down to bottom to find the links to all the videos) -VT2
----- Original Message -----
From: **********(virusType2)
To: *****,**** (my brother)
Sent: Saturday, March 05, 2005 12:54 PM
Subject: flying object powered by ions

Some wierd electrical flying thing powered by electricity in the air.

Its not in english but you might enjoy checking this out:

This is where applied science comes into play.

Try and think of a way this type of flight could be used! :naughty:

It's large and flimsy, but it's obviously powerfull enough to carry something its own weight
i guess being very interested in it helps :P, but as for them picking stuff up, eg. being used for lifting, its fairly early stuff, for public experiments, if you want to see the extent of the effect, you have to make more effecient capacitors, larger, with more direct current put into them. If most of their effect takes place in the zero point of Vaccum, then Ionic winds arnt nesserserily needed, and they would work absolutely anywhere, Id love to see some stupidly high voltages passed through a capcitor with more effective surface area, Like Thomas townsend brown's experiment in this picture:

some of his experimental declassified documentation ive read in a book
says that these designs where highly effective.

this design shows multiple capacitors used to control the ships lateral direction. aswell as upward motion.

another patent:

and a news paper article on the device.

This has been so slow to come to public light is because of the powerful Elite status Quo,the military 'scientist's with opposing theories, and government's collaborate in the most influential groups to suppress anything that threatens modern lively hoods or job reputations, or what they personally believe in, its totally wrong to do so, for the sake that technology like this could help everyone... not to mention improve our state of developement, its pollution free propulsion, which could well have the potential to take us to other star systems.

I gaurantee you, this is the kind of thing that off shoot's of the US military play with at area 51. Black budget project's that have been in operation since the end of the second world war, maybe even the first.
Well admitedly, Im not full of info when it comes to science, but I would think that in order to make it usefull, it has to be cost efficient, and its not.

It uses alot of electricity.

Now i was thinking, if nuclear power was used to power a generator, and the generator could be used to power the lifter. then maybe it could be cost efficient..

just a thought.

anyway imagine a high tech mall with a lifter for an elevator.
just to draw crowds............. :imu:
this thing works, I can assure you guys, I've seen one work briefly.
it would be cost efficient if it can be powered by other ether technology breakthroughs, such as zero point > to electromagnetic converting processes. which I fully understand , theoretically its all solid. John Searl's ether turbine is supposed to create the same effect as T.T.Brown's gravitor, except it does this by utilising its own power source derived from the vaccum , via rotating magnets on a magnetic bearing.

eg. roller magnets on an anulus use frictionless magnetic bearing, the interaction in the magnetic fields turns the disc into a capacitor, except this capacitor supply's its own energy from vaccum which serves to continue to power the impetus of the motor.

the information in the last link gives a diagramtic explaination of the maypole effect, which the interacting magnetic fields are supposed to create.

the device is claimed to create a ridiculous amount of electrical charge. and display Electrokinetic momentum.
Magnetic fields... is that like using gradients like with Mag Lev?
Except that only works with diamagnets.

Sorry I can't afford to go through documentation, I don't want to push any other things out of my head that I'm meant to be learning :p
While I don't follow scientific babble, I am very smart when it comes to the way things work.

I fully understand once you get it spinning, the spinning is tied in with a way to produce its own energy, and thus it is self sufficient.

exactly like the way a car alternator, once started by the car battery, will run the spark plugs that run the engine.

you can remove the battery once the car is running, it will not stop running. its been proven in my face becuase I didn;t know this..
VirusType2 said:
While I don't follow scientific babble, I am very smart when it comes to the way things work.

I fully understand once you get it spinning, the spinning is tied in with a way to produce its own energy, and thus it is self sufficient.

exactly like the way a car alternator, once started by the car battery, will run the spark plugs that run the engine.

you can remove the battery once the car is running, it will not stop running. its been proven in my face becuase I didn;t know this..

Yeah. Just like when you explode the conventional explosives (eg TNT) in a nuclear bomb, the reaction is self sustaining until all the fuel is exhausted.
Anyway can I mention that this is alot more fascinating now that I'm convinced that there are UF0's?

looking at the pics of his flying saucer.. I mean that was like 1920 man. imagine the money USA, or other countries have sunk into it. i mean you type uf0 into google and you are gauranteed to hit tons of shit on people that claim to see them. there can't be that many crazy people.

so they are not from outerspace.. DUH now it makes sence.

so is our lives in danger now?

this is t0p sekrit
seriously dude you are too smart
the reaction is self sustaining until all the fuel is exhausted.
Reply With Quote

except the 'fuel' in the case of these devices isnt a raw material, or any kind of matter intially, it's another 'realm' if you like, of energy, beyond the quantum that sustains the energy of atoms and therefore our reality, this 'fuel' obey's different laws in its realm, it doesnt run out. or reality would cease to be.

Its actually less complex than that, everything is 'one' energy field anyway , its just to our senses , it manifest's as the 'many'. the seperation we percieve through our eyes, this is the point of comprehension where science begins to blend with mysticism, and inner self. Its deep, but then you start to realise, science really cant explain our reality, it can only give superficial logical statistic's of effect's observed, its all down to individual experiance and inner self, although science is still a very useful tool.
Im sorry I'm lost.

But still. I was joking about being in danger BTW.

We would only be in danger if we knew how to make it work you know what i mean.

I mean there is a difference between understanding how an atom bomb works, and how to make one for example.

but very fascinating.

I'm lost becuase now im not sure if you are talking about feasable realistic ways to power this saucer, or you are just theorizing.

There is a way to do it. Science is science. Be it nuclear, or the other types of energy you are describing, or some new way all together.

I mean if the saucer is made of the lightest materials known to man, and has a way to power itself onboard, instead of by means of having a high voltage transformer near by, then it is a success

BTW I have cut/paste every message and again emailed them to my brother who is a rocket scientist/engineer who used to work at NASA. he will have something interesting to say I'm sure. :dork:
Like I said before he was one of the designers of the formerly top secret unmanned flying ships that the US has in operation on its borders continuously