Builderburg Media: "Okay, so flouride CAN be bad."

>So I make a thread about how fluoride is being reduced in the water, 'cause it's been deemed too high by the authority who put it in there.

>VirusType2 tries to convince me that it is the crowning achievement of mankind and that we somehow need more (Or that the reduction is pointless)

>I try to agree with the American government in the reduction by showing a few possible cases to him of what a lot of fluoride in general does in other countries.

>VirusType2 for whatever reason assumes this is a conspiracy thread that has to do with the Illuminati/Rockefellars/Mass Transfer of Value/Annukai Reptillians/etc. when I haven't mentioned it once in this thread - He then goes on to try and argue that we somehow need more fluoride? It's hard to tell when he skips 80% of my posts and completely avoids my questions.

>I am now mentally ill because VirusType2 is too spiteful about something that I may or may not have done in a past thread to handle anything I type without somehow linking it to a conspiracy.

>His next post will probably ignore everything in this one and somehow link it to the Freemasons.

VirusType2 said:
If some scientists think it's too much in the water, or if they think it's not necessary at all, then TAKE IT OUT. Simple.

That was the point I was trying to make to you for the entirety of this thread. Read my posts and think about it. Try and notice how I emphasise "Reduction".
It's really neat how once something is casually linked through degrees of separation to a "conspiracy theory" it is automatically invalid.

Wait, no, not neat... what's the word... Oh, yes, faith-in-humanity-destroying.
Just so I'm clear...

-Fluoride is a common industrial waste product
-Fluoride byproducts are sold and added to water supplies
-Because it is good for dental health
-And people make money
-But too much is bad - spotty teeth and other possible shit
-There may be too much in some water supplies, so the amount is going to be reduced
And the Environmental Protection Agency will review whether the maximum cutoff of 4 milligrams per liter is too high
-Plastic bottles degrade

What was the question?

I think it may be this: Do we need fluoride in our drinking water at all?
-In my opinion, no, as long as you brush and floss and don't drink syrup
-However, a little fluoride doesn't hurt
-But let's be sure it doesn't hurt, are we sure it doesn't hurt?
>So I make a thread about how fluoride is being reduced in the water, 'cause it's been deemed too high by the authority who put it in there.

>VirusType2 tries to convince me that it is the crowning achievement of mankind and that we somehow need more (Or that the reduction is pointless)

>I try to agree with the American government in the reduction by showing a few possible cases to him of what a lot of fluoride in general does in other countries.

>VirusType2 for whatever reason assumes this is a conspiracy thread that has to do with the Illuminati/Rockefellars/Mass Transfer of Value/Annukai Reptillians/etc. when I haven't mentioned it once in this thread - He then goes on to try and argue that we somehow need more fluoride? It's hard to tell when he skips 80% of my posts and completely avoids my questions.

>I am now mentally ill because VirusType2 is too spiteful about something that I may or may not have done in a past thread to handle anything I type without somehow linking it to a conspiracy.

>His next post will probably ignore everything in this one and somehow link it to the Freemasons.

That was the point I was trying to make to you for the entirety of this thread. Read my posts and think about it. Try and notice how I emphasise "Reduction".

So Danimal makes a thread about how fluoride is some Builderburg elitist NWO plot to sell poison to people to turn them into mutants and they "got caught", so they admit it and decide to lower the amount in water, but that's not good enough for Danimal, it's a completely unnecessary ingredient that - despite it's overwhelming success at improving the health of the entire country - we shouldn't want at all.

Then Danimal decides to make me out to be the crazy one when I certify the merits of it. "How I want them to add more". But don't bother quoting me because I never actually said or implied anything of the sort. Danimal calls me things like "violently opposed to lowering it" I said, "if it's too high, then lower it. - after I had already said it was OBVIOUS they should lower it on page 2.

You're ****ing ridiculous. And you got mad because I don't download .pdf's and read every single word on the 15 links you posted - you don't even read one sentence from me, apparently - if that's your excuse for twisting my words around over and over.

Danimal accuses me of "holding a spiteful grudge" (thought we were friends, bro), and accuses me of "not caring about anyone but the first world" (**** you) , oh, and for good measure, accuses me of "pretending" to read links. (**** you).

Yeah. It's my fault for getting a "conspiracy vibe" from you. :laugh:
Why title it "Builderburg Media?"
Danimal said:
I never found proof Flouride was used on holocaust prisoners/victims to keep them docile
Danimal said:
Danimal said:
Revealed: Texas officials covered up dangerously radioactive tap water for years
Danimal said:
Federal owned organisation defending and praising actions done by another Federal group. What the **** else is new.
Danimal said:
Surely you can forgive me for not wholeheartedly trusting a group of people who have lied and lied again to the world. addition to every thing you post, ever.
Put down the pipe. And put on your boxing gloves.

My friend, I wish I had city water.
You can only willingly bash your head against a brick wall for so long, tbh.
