Building a house (Sorry this is kinda a repost)


Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
Whoa! That's so awesome! Well done!

I would never have that much patience!

It would drive me crazy! :rolling:

Next, I plan to build an exact replica of the Louvre!

...In theory! :laugh: :O
Hey bassman, is it possible to have 2 welds holding 2 objects together?
nice one lol, maybe make something with 4 walls next, and a door :O :D
what? no pictures of explosive barrels being piled into it then set alight?


hehe, me and crush had fun on buildingblocks :D

anyway, that looks really cool, next step = mansion :laugh:
LittleB said:
Hey bassman, is it possible to have 2 welds holding 2 objects together?

I think I know what you mean, if you see my other post about "Building a house" you will see that I would pin one end of the board then used a cinderblock to hold up it up and then pin the oppposite end.

You can see I would put a welding pod (as I like to call them) on each board then i would attach another board across to make all of them not fly around, here:

ummm..... the way of getting strait nice welds is alot easier when your using a beam and then try to weld all the planks on to it because once you put the "welding pods" in the right places then have them connect oand your "welding gun" turns RED all I had to do was move the mouse up and down and it would pivot left and right.
i can never get it to do several welds at once. is that even possible? i have to do all of mine seperately.
bassman61588 said:
I think I know what you mean, if you see my other post about "Building a house" you will see that I would pin one end of the board then used a cinderblock to hold up it up and then pin the oppposite end.

You can see I would put a welding pod (as I like to call them) on each board then i would attach another board across to make all of them not fly around, here:

ummm..... the way of getting strait nice welds is alot easier when your using a beam and then try to weld all the planks on to it because once you put the "welding pods" in the right places then have them connect oand your "welding gun" turns RED all I had to do was move the mouse up and down and it would pivot left and right.

No I meant the same 2 objects with 2 welds instead of one. For strength, y'know? Kindof like this --> |:|
LittleB said:
No I meant the same 2 objects with 2 welds instead of one. For strength, y'know? Kindof like this --> |:|

oh... yeah.... but its hard
you have to take one peice place the two welding pods then take the other peice then place the pods lined up in the exact spot as the other. then once you connect them (while the beam is red) you have to adjust the peice that your controlling so that it lines up with the other set of pods. its hard. so then if you did it well your should be able to click on the peice and weld it. its hard to explain, thats the best I can tell. you may have to do it a few times, i always quick save it before I do anything that could possibly fuk it all up.