Building a new machine.

Originally posted by KiNG
256 ram is the least u should have
2x256 3200 Mushkin Corsair OR Kingston

PS: Don't give me this "512MB of RAM is the minimum you should have" because boy, you have some learning to do. The only reason you'd need above 512MB as of now is if you do any type of hardcore graphics or video editing.
Mushkin really isnt taht great... The only good RAM they have is the PC3500 lvl 2 black, and thats not going to go with an AMD.
ok comparitivley what are the differences between 9600 proo and the 9800 pro
sorry about the double post...wont let me delete
While the 9600 Pro is a souped-up BMW Z8, the 9800 Pro is the Navy F-14 Tomcat. Hope the metaphor helps.

If it didn't, let's just say that the 9800P is hella faster.
clock speeds and pipelines :)

the 9600 has 4 pipelines of which game data can be sent down and runs at a lower clock and memory speed!

the 9800 has 8 pipelines and a higher clock and memory speed :)

if you dont want to spend lots of cash on the 9800pro get a 9800 nonpro

and if your feeling gutsy flash the bios on it to a 9800pro bios

and bobs your uncle and fanny's your aunt


how much does a 9800 non pro cost
i dont think i seen any at newegg
If you can find a 9700non pro, i doubt there are many left. I would buy a 9800non-pro.
on newegg? id look right now but i dont know which is which
It just says "9800 128mb" If it doesnt have the word pro in the title then its a non pro.
thanks..last question i think/ and im sure you hope
..should i go with a bigger processor mom agreed to pay for half my computer if i sersiously start looking for a job
I wouldnt. The 2500+ will last plenty of time, and when OCing even a bit longer. Anyway IMO the only AMD worth buying ATM is the 2500+.
i dont know what i should do, should i wait for a bit, see if prices drop with the athlon 64s come out and stick up with my 1000mhz w/ 512, and radeon 7200