**Building a Sentry**


May 10, 2004
Reaction score
**engineer voice**


**deploys equipment**

ok seriously now lol, this is my latest work i'm doing using 3D Studio MAX 8... Team Fortress 2 Engineer's Sentry Gun (1st stage).


Spent 1 and a half hours on it until now, still on a very early stage of modeling... I promise it will be nicer at the end lol :)

Any posts and suggestions are welcome here :D

I'll be updating this thread with the progress.

(and YES, I plan on animating it coming out of the box and everything)
*hears sounds of sentry gun targeting*


I hate them. HATE.

Nice job so far though :D
sleeeeeeek model. real sleek. There's some load of polygons there. How many iterations did you set your mesh smooth at?
hey thanks everyone for the comments :D

I'll post some more work later today so watch this space :)

Yeah, when I'm modeling small objects (not complete scenes) I tend to use a LOT of polygons lol so the creases and everything look perfect.

each major piece (except the little light and ring around it) has 2 interations, i'll post how many polys I have in the entire thing on my next update so you can track it :)

thanks again everyone!!
ok here's an update on the sentry...

I tweaked a few things at the front and started the bottom that holds the sentry on the ground. Here are some views:





Now this is the tricky part because I have to check if every connection is ok with each other, please this won't be so accurate to the real sentry in the game because I don't have any blueprints, I'm just using in-game screenshots I'm taking! :)

Oh and for the poly count, its near 190.000 right now :D almost every piece has chamfered edges to make it look nicer and 2 interations.

next update will be bigger since I have all the connections down, now just need to model each piece!!
This amazing, or I'm just amused by everything..
no this is just amazing. :thumbs:
You should let one of those foam-cutting things cut it out of foam.