building new PC won't turn on


Mar 19, 2005
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do you guys see anything wrong with my layout, if you need more details lemme know

Too many wires. Tie those things to something

Where's your video card?

Is this one of thost weird ATX mid cases? I'm assuming the bottom is the back or... that wouldn't explain the exhaust port being on the bottom...

The most common problem I've come across with hooking up motherboard connections is messing up the power button layout. It's a lot easier now than it used to be but having them wrong can at the very least burn out LEDs, or at the worst kill the power button. Check those out (I can't even figure out where the power button would be in this) and make sure they're in order. Check to make sure there's not a switch on your power supply that's off too because that happens sometimes... even though I don't even know if yours is at the top of the front or what...

Make sure that Bios battery is seated properly and check to make sure you don't have any jumpers lose as well. Also, give the motherboard power connector a good push because sometimes those things don't go down all the way.

That's basically all I can offer from what I can see.
wuts that empty pin socket next to your 12V+ to the board? and is there RAM in there or not...can't quite tell.

and yes as StarBob some zip ties and clean up that mess of wires you have there before taking a picture. Obstructing most of my view
The orientation of that picture is really throwing me off...and the wires are in the way.
He's likely using the onboard video. Make sure the power switch connectors are hooked up properly like Bob said.
sorry for the delay had to run out and do some errends

here are some photos of the motherboard with all the cables out and the proper orientation (bottom is down etc.)


  • Photo-0009.jpg
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  • Photo-0010.jpg
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Did you use the right set of RAM slots? Do you have on-board video? Otherwise, where is your video card?

You probably plugged in the little black power lead into the motherboard wrong. The one that goes to the power switch. Check the orientation - vertical or horizontal - and examine the board carefully. If you had done that right, the power supply would at least come on.
yes I have a onboard video and yes the ram in proper and in the proper slots. made a bit of progress just now, got the power led to come on, turns out the motherboard and the powersupply are not colour coded the same as far as I can gather
basically I assumed that both the powersupply and the motherboard would use the same colour coding system, I was wrong.
Incorrect PSU wiring is 70% of all failure to start problems.
No one has any uniform color code when it comes to PC wiring... it's too bad really because it wouldn't be that hard to pull off.
not 100% sure I yanked them all out and started over 1 at time making sure it turned on right before adding another

*edit* it was something in the small cluster that powers the on off but and leds and such
and I did ('eventually') and it worked and I was happy and then windows 7 won't detect my HDD and I was sad and made a new thread lol XD
Maybe you have a bad HDD. Can you copy files to it using a different computer?