Building or Buying?


Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score
I am looking to either purchase a new computer or buy the parts and put it together. I was not sure which one would be cheaper. I was thinking if I were to purchase the parts on,, or, it would be cheaper than to buy a computer from a company. I am looking to buy a computer or the parts but for under $900. I went to and and was able to have a computer for around $900-$1000.
If you guys can help me with building a computer by giving me sites for cheap parts, that would help greatly. Thanks
Bumping after 20 minutes is considered shamefull.
newegg is the best US site as far as i know. but yeah buying parts seperately is infinitely better than buying a whole pc. when i built mine, for ages i couldnt stop thinking 'i put that together and it works' whenever i was on it lol.

but what kind of pc are you looking for? a beast or an average-going-to-last-me-for-2-or-3-years computer? helps us to give u a little help if that makes sense mate :E
MaxiKana said:
Bumping after 20 minutes is considered shamefull.

From the date and times, looks like he bumped after 23 hours and 40 minutes....
MaxiKana said:
Bumping after 20 minutes is considered shamefull.

Look at the times and dates of my posts.

Also, I would like an average computer with some beastly parts. :)
I love newegg. It usually takes 2 days to ship stuff to my house (in Pennsylvania). They usually have some of the lowest prices on the net. I'd say definitely build over buy. If you build it you can upgrade easier and you can get the parts you want. If you need an OS, buy an OEM copy of Windows XP, you'll save about $100.
All right.. I think I might look at Newegg for some parts so I can build a computer. Could anyone help me in my search for all the parts I am going to need? Also, I want to spend around $800 on my computer. I have a monitor I am going to be able to use.. All I need is the PC itself. Thanks guys.
Hmmm for 800 you should be able to build a fairly mainstream computer. Also think about looking into your local PC "mom and pop" shops - they could build you a competent PC in your price range - as most PC shops make squat on new machines.
I am not going to need a video card, because I already have one installed on the computer I am using now, and it is fairly new. I decided I was just going to use this 9800 PRO in my new computer. Also, could you tell me if the Windows XP disc you get from a dell, would using that on a new hdd, would that actually work, or does it only work on dells?
Am I going to have to buy Windows XP for this computer, or will I be able to use the reinstallation cd from my Dell computer on this hard drive?
i suggest you build one like almost everyone said here,

but make shure you know what you are doing and dont get frustrated...i got mad when building it b/c the cpu fan was not going in and accidently broke my amd 64 3200 and had to go get a 3000 :(
Wow that sucks, sorry to hear that johnny. Shamrock yes I believe you should be able to use the OS from your dell. You could even transplant the hard drive, if you are happy with it. And I just thought I'd mention that the case I recomended you kinda sucks (sorry!). I thought it said 120mm fans instead of 80mm. Still, I'm sure you can find one, newegg has a great selection of cheap ones. Just buy one with cooling in mind, that suits your personal taste. Since you have a nice video card already, I would suggest another 512 of ram and your computer will kick arse.
I was going to get 1 gig of ram anyway. Thank you so much. Now I do not have to spend $90 on a new Windows XP CD. I will find a case after class today. Thanks for your help again.
does anyone know if i can use my same hd when i get a new mother board?
on the same note where could we find out how to put a comp together? ne sites out there?