Bulgarian 'assassination attempt'


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
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Here's the video. Basically, a male assailant aims a small handgun directly in the face of the Bulgarian Turkish Party leader. What ensues is the gun... not firing and the advisers and pressers beating the ever loving shit out of the guy.

Reuters article: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/19/us-bulgaria-assault-idUSBRE90I0B620130119

Television footage showed the man jumping out of the audience and interrupting a speech by 58-year-old Dogan, who has led the party for almost a quarter of a century. Security guards were seen beating and kicking the attacker.
You're not Stern. WHERE'S STERN? =(
This literally happened today. Stern doesn't post news as it happens. Derp!
Seriously f*cking cray-cray, man. Pretty brutal the way they all just laid into him. Ahmet Dogan is one lucky motherf*cker.
It's crazy how there's like a split second of silence before everyone comprehends what is happening. After that it just erupts into chaos.
Looks set up. Like some guy's just gonna be able to get right up there.
I'm just going to go ahead and assume that is an utterly uneducated opinion.
I'm sure glad it failed... if just for the simple fact that the video wouldn't be the most watched assassination footage worldwide... just another death video circulated around the internet to give the junkies another fix.
Holy shit, even the press is laying the **** into him! That's better than the Korean parliament brawl!
lol at yolo.

It does seem really weird. Why was there NO reaction as the guy ran up like that? I mean, you have to assume he ran up. And there wasn't a peep or any of the security moving until a second after he tried to fire.
I'm sure there's probably going to be another video out soon that shows another angle and we can see where the guy actually came from. He's got a badge on, so he was probably allowed to get pretty close.

And that guy totally looked like he wanted to be a badass assassin so bad. Buzzcut? Check. Leather Jacket? Check. Dramatic shooting stance? Check. Assassination skills? Nope.
Yeah he looks straight out of the Sopranos.
It does seem really weird. Why was there NO reaction as the guy ran up like that? I mean, you have to assume he ran up. And there wasn't a peep or any of the security moving until a second after he tried to fire.
I guess it wasn't expected at all. I mean, Leader of the opposition politician giving a speech. It's hardly a US President convoy.

That and if you ever watched 'Derren Brown: The Experiments' (which I really recommend ), you'll know that someone can appear to get shot on stage in front of you and the reaction can be... well... an audience full of nothingness and silence for a fair while before anyone even knows how to react.

Sure, the security should be more on the ball for this kind of situation but it seems pretty lax. Which is likely why the would-be shooter used it as an opportunity.

The latest is that it was a 'gas pistol' anyway:
Early reports suggested the weapon was a gun, but it was later confirmed to be a gas pistol - a non-lethal weapon used largely for self-defence which does not fire bullets but which can cause serious injuries if fired from close range.

Mr Tsvetanov also said the assailant had a criminal record for drugs possession, robberies and hooliganism.

Police arrested the attacker, a 25-year-old from the Black Sea town of Burgas, who was also carrying two knives.

Yes I also read it was just a gas pistol, which is essentially just an airgun.. and that the airgun misfired... If you listen really closely to the video you can hear the trigger click.
That and if you ever watched 'Derren Brown: The Experiments' (which I really recommend ), you'll know that someone can appear to get shot on stage in front of you and the reaction can be... well... an audience full of nothingness and silence for a fair while before anyone even knows how to react.
Oh I totally get that, but his security is supposed to be trained specifically to react to those situations.

Yes I also read it was just a gas pistol, which is essentially just an airgun.. and that the airgun misfired... If you listen really closely to the video you can hear the trigger click.
The trigger could click in a misfire of a real weapon too.
Here's a real Katana assassination in Japan in 1960. The photograph of the moment before death won a Pulitzer Prize. Warning: no gore, no blood, but the man dies in the video. The assassin was later found out to be 17 years old.


I like how in the thumbnail the guy looks all tough but then you look over and see he's carrying a really small handgun that could actually be cute if colored hot pink and totally not being pointed in some dude's face. And then you see the dude and the expression on the dude's face and you laugh a bit.
The trigger could click in a misfire of a real weapon too.

I never said it wouldn't... it's been confirmed it was an airgun, but even the airgun misfired cause you can hear the click. Pretty crazy.
Man... that katana assassination was crazy. I've never seen that before! I was watching the video on the edge of my seat waiting for a dude to jump out with a sword... sure enough... he did and I totally was not prepared.
Pretty crazy. I lol'd after his gun misfired and they kind of just stared at eachother. But, I'm pretty happy this guy got his ass beat.
Hmm just read the page about Wakizashi. So apparnetly Samurai would carry both around. Pretty nifty.
If I recall correctly, one was simply ceremonial, while the other was actually a combat instrument. Right?
Yeah I have a set that has one of both on a stand, some cheapo's my brother gave to me when he moved out. One is about 2/3 the length of the other.
The set is called daisho, which is a combination of daito (the larger one) and shoto (the smaller one)
Are they both for fighting? Since I made my last post, I've begun to think that I was mistaking this for another military (possibly japan in another era?) where they had two swords, but one was not actually to be used for killing.
Are they both for fighting? Since I made my last post, I've begun to think that I was mistaking this for another military (possibly japan in another era?) where they had two swords, but one was not actually to be used for killing.
Wakizashi is preferable for closer quarters.
A longer sword will give you range but in real close proximity the shorter blade will give you maneuverability.
Also the shortest blade was used in conjuction with the medium length blade as a parry device. I've got a set of these blades above our bed.