Bulletproof Glass



Is there anyway to create bulletproof glass? There is a way in the valve developer wiki, it block bullets from hitting walls etc. but players can still get hit. Thanks for any help.
Tricky. Seeing as how in the official maps there is no unbreakable glass (you can even see the designers working around it in Office) it could prove to be a tough job, unless you made your own texture somehow.
de_thc65 Has bullet proof glass in it, on a few of the areas. Im not sure how it works, but thats one example.
There is a texture amongst the developer textures that is called TOOLS\BLOCKBULLETS. Make a brush the same size as your window and cover that in the blockbullets texture and also make sure it is not an entity.

Voila. Bulletproof glass,

You mean to tell me that you want a window that grenades will not hut the guy on the other side? Weerl. It doesn't sound realistic and I don't actually think you can do that... I mean, nades hurt though thin walls don't they? This baby acts just like a thin wall so i believe that might be in the coding :(

I thought what we were looking for here was a window that stops bullets and does NOT break. Just dont turn the window into anything like a func_breakable and it won't break.

Otherwise if you want the window to break on grenades then maybe that could be made with "minimum damage to hurt" set with window turned into breakable

Nope. Tectures do NOT break unless you turn them into an entity configured to break such as a func_breakable or func_physbox. How the material handles bullet collisions, wheter it affects VIS and if it should be transparent or not are things that are preset in the texture. But they can mostly be overridden too.
i never map for CS:S but isnt there just the option in the func_breakable to make the material "unbreakable glass" ? Or is this only for Hl2 ?

thats for what gibs to spawn actually. Quite stupid since you can break the glass anyway :S