BUllets in Source


Jul 5, 2003
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Does anyone know for sure wether bullets will be physically created/emulated (like the crowbar is a rod in space) with mass and velocity to each bullet. This is highly unlikely given the processor usage to "chart" all those bullets, but I was just wondering....

Will bullets be like in HL1 (and like most games) were they go in a staight line at the speed of light (instanly across map) ?

Just wondering.

Also, ADMIN (Munro?) if you read this, wouldnt it be cool if you made a section of forums just to talk about the Source engine and its capabilities and etc. ? Or sould it just go in "editting" ?

Thx guys.
Nope. No bullets. Sorry : ) Doom 3 will have'em, though... due to some astounding per-pixel collision detection.
I hope they really are bullets, that would add a greater damage system
Who said that Sandman? I know Doom 3 will have them, but who said HL2 won't?
In Doom III? In Doom III, the bullets are actually modelled objects and will react physically to the objects in the world... IE, if you have a box fulla crap andyou shoot it, the bullet will go through the box and bounce off the wall behind it shooting crap everywhere and the box'll go spinnin'. It'll react differently in every different spot you hit it. Cool stuff, huh?

Reply to above: I am almost positive Gabe said it in response to an e-mail I read. I could be wrong, but I'm about 90% sure. Bullets will exert force, but I don't think they are actually in the game to a point where you could slow it down to a frame-by-frame rate and watch the bullet fly across the screen.
Well I guess we have another mod feature someone could put into their mod. Real modeled bullets that follow the laws of physics. (Its probably something that will be possible to do.)
I beleive I saw some bullets flying right after gordon pushed the table into the door and that combine soldier was shooting through the window. Look carefully :D
I beleive you can't tell and it should stay that way. Plus you wouldn't see a bullt in real life.
WHat you prob saw are tracers (these were of course in HL1 too) THe lines of light that shoot out of the gun , you know what I mean..... Yeh I dont think this info was officialy released by Valve.
They said the engine supports it, and they even made a prototype for HL2, however it didn't work out well with the gameplay.
They said it was a nice effect but took away from the fun. I don't really care TBH :/ but they said it was a nice effect to be used with more realistic mods.
I want em in gdmmit. and that comment about it should be used with a realistic mod was about if bullets would slow down during flight and slowly change direction by wind etc. that had nothing to do with wat we are duscussing here
Originally posted by EVIL
I want em in gdmmit. and that comment about it should be used with a realistic mod was about if bullets would slow down during flight and slowly change direction by wind etc. that had nothing to do with wat we are duscussing here
I said they could be put into a mod and have physics laws applied to them, I didn't say anything more. Besides hows that off topic? They won't be in the game (supposedly) so I was just saying they could be in a mod instead.
hmm.. k misunderstood you then. atleast I am MAN anough to admit it :p HAH! -_- gheh lol to much SOF2
I play it to much. my brain becomes all funny. wich kinda explains the " atleast I am MAN anough to admit it HAH! -_- gheh lol to much SOF2" thing :)
If the bullets leave the gun when triggered, interact with stuff on the way to their target, and do appropriate damage when they hit, why do you need to render them mid-flight? I'm betting its almost impossible to really notice the difference.
Originally posted by Direwolf
If the bullets leave the gun when triggered, interact with stuff on the way to their target, and do appropriate damage when they hit, why do you need to render them mid-flight? I'm betting its almost impossible to really notice the difference.


(meaning, Max Payne did it all perfectly. And you do notice it)
well, heres the part when the guy (me) posts about matrix rip offs. thatd be pretty cool though, matrix (although we couldnt technically call it matrix) mod on the source engine. itd sure beat the crap out of Enter the matrix!
the reason I want bullets in the game is because i want to accedently press the screenshot button before i get a head shot so i can later look into the screenshot folder and see a screenshot with a bullet like 5 cm before my head wich will give me the feeling of WHOW!
Just wait for Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne then... That game is going to kick some major ass. And as you should all know the bullets in Max Payne were rendered...

Anyways... I don't care if the bullets are actually rendered... I just want there to actually be delay time between when the gun is fired, and when it hits it's target... So say CS 2... I'm running by a door way quickly... somebody shoots at me... Though they had their crosshairs on me I don't get shot because there was a delay in the bullets...

Getting hit instantly isn't realistic... and why put in realistic physics, if you're not aiming for realism? :p

Thats just my thoughts. I am assuming they already have put delays in the bullets... or something if not actually rendered them.
Originally posted by Sandman
In Doom III? In Doom III, the bullets are actually modelled objects and will react physically to the objects in the world... IE, if you have a box fulla crap andyou shoot it, the bullet will go through the box and bounce off the wall behind it shooting crap everywhere and the box'll go spinnin'. It'll react differently in every different spot you hit it. Cool stuff, huh?

Sounds kinda cool, but I don't plan on missing much :p
Max Payne was awesome, and the bullets really helped that. But HL2 fortunately doesn't have bullet time, so I think its a moot point.
there are aliens in the game....you can't get any more realistic than that...
Bullet Time wasn't my point. And if you liked Max Payne... from what I've read about Max Payne 2... it's only getting better... this time a longer more involving story written by the same person as the first. Longer game, a much more highly tuned bullet time... Here's one thing I remember off the top of my head... now if you do a shoot dodge, once you hit the ground and come out of bullet time you don't have to get up off the ground right away like it made you do in the original game. You can stay down and continue shooting if you wish.

BWMaster...... The story is fictional but the world is realistic. And you have no proof that says there aren't life forms similar to humans living like us in another galaxy far from here. :p

And after I started watching the video's to check some of this stuff... I noticed that with the guns you can at times see traces from the bullets... So I am now pretty sure there is a path the bullet follows after it leaves the gun though it may not be rendered.
Remember that the crossbow-tranquilizer dart gun in HL1 had rendered arrows that were NOT hit-scan (so they weren't instant hit). They were rendered, followed a path, and had a delay time. I have a feeling that there will be a mix of weapons in HL2, both hit-scan and non.
since when do bullets NOT hit instantly? sure, if you were shooting across a map the size of awp_map with a glock, perhaps, but the bullets would still hit you too fast to tell the difference.

the problem with rendering bullets ala doom 3 is that it makes it harder to make bullets go through walls. if you wanted this (gabe has stated hl2 has this) then you would need actual bulletholes wherever you shoot. gabe has stated they will be using decals.
who needs that shit, as long if barrels and other stuff react to the bullets they way they should i dont care...i mean if you shoot a barrel with water in HL2 there will also be splatters of water...thats all that is necessary imo
So we will be able to shoot through walls in Half-Life 2?
Originally posted by The Mullinator
Well I guess we have another mod feature someone could put into their mod. Real modeled bullets that follow the laws of physics. (Its probably something that will be possible to do.)

I think I read an email where [Gabe?] did say that exact thing, I think he said something like 'No, we didn't put that feature in because HL2 doesn't need it, but a Mod team could put it in.' :eek:
Originally posted by Dave
I think I read an email where [Gabe?] did say that exact thing, I think he said something like 'No, we didn't put that feature in because HL2 doesn't need it, but a Mod team could put it in.' :eek:
Instead of saying things that are possible with source, we should be saying what things ARENT possible... I cant think of anything...
Originally posted by Face Stabber
So we will be able to shoot through walls in Half-Life 2?

Yes, the feature is implemented.
The Source engine can do this, however HL2 isn't shooting to be a realistic simulation... it would take away from gameplay. Of course I can imagine every mod that wants to be like CS will use something like it :/
Chat from Steam 1:50PM EST

Plopfish says:
are bullets actuall objects in the game with mass and velocity or are they like in HL1 (and most games) where they can travel across the map instantly? Thx, keep up the great work guys.

Plopfish says:
more exactly , will there be travel time of a bullet, and thus have to lead long range shots?

Greag Coomer says:
i think it's some of each. i'll check with someone who's more involoved with the physics code.

Plopfish says:
wow thx a lot! this is a current discussion over at the hl2.net forums and im looking to reslolve it ;-) thankyou again

Greg Coomer says:
For the most part, individual bullets are not physically simulated - at least, they don't use the physics system in the same way that barrels etc. do. They travel instantly. There will be exceptions, but I can't get more specific about this now. Hope this helps.

Plopfish says:
This helps a lot. THanks for taking the time out of your busy day to find this out for us. THanks again, have a great one!
I honestly don't care if the bullets are modelled or not. I never really noticed it too much in Max Payne (except when I turned on Bullet Time) so I know I won't notice such things in HL2.

Why model a bullet if you can't even see it? That just seems like a waste of polygons to me.