Bullets Physics

CookieCuttah said:
A .50 calibur rifle will send em flying 10 feet.

Wrong, its quite the opposite. With that much power a .50 cal round will cut thru flesh and bone like butter having little effect, but making a REALLY big entrance and exit wound.

mi6o your an idiot, you have no idea what your walking about, leave.
Biggleska said:
If you drop a brick on a dead body it'll just make a thump and lay there... what are you expecting?. For it to bounce off into the sky?
He's been playing too much CSS. ;)
what does cl_ragdoll_collide 1 do anyway. what does it change from the standard mode?
Rocketman9mm said:
what does cl_ragdoll_collide 1 do anyway. what does it change from the standard mode?

bodies won't clip through each other
Biggleska said:
And, my grandfather was a sniper for the British army in the korean war (He must have been good, because he got into the S.A.S) - And from what he's told me... when you shoot a commie in the head - he doesn't go flying ten metres across the ground.

You're thinking bodies go flying when they get shot, well... they dont. Sorry.

Whoa.. .You got any more real life stories to share with us (That he's shared with you)? I love this kind of stuff. :p
Just curious, everyone knows when you would grab somone with the blue grv gun and drop them they would twitch on the ground, well is there a command for that, or if not a command is there a way to code other guns to make people twitch on the ground when shot and maybe you can edit the twitch so that is could be made shorter or could be made longer, something like that (This is coming from a person that doesn't know much about codeing, don't flame me its just a thought)