Bunker Buster Demonstration

Wars have gotten shorter than what they used to be, and less detrimental to loss of life. Especially now for American soldiers, as opposed to when armies had to march through snow with a layer of cloth covering their skin. The ratio of non-enemy related injury to enemy ones is much less now that technology has improved. If you ask me, I'd much rather be hit by one of those bunker busters and die instantly rather than get hit in the leg by a cannon ball during the American Revolution.

The fact that WW2 was so devastating was because history had found that cruel medium between numbers and technology, and most of these types of wars are started by individual men.
Raziaar said:



2 things I noticed:

1. Penetration is surprisingly quite clean. I thought that the mock-hangar cover would've taken much more damage than that. It looks like it just punches a semi-clean hole right through.

2. You can actually see the air being sucked back into the center of the explosion. It takes some of the nearby dust with it. Look at the inside lip of the mock-hangar to see it. Very cool.
Raziaar said:
One undeniable thing it does though, is sparks revolutions in technology for the civilian markets as well. Without warfare in history, we'd be far less technologically advanced as we are today.

Granted, hundreds of millions of people had to die to achieve it, though.

We would have been much more technologically advanced if we had shifted away from free market toward a no money economy. We could educate everyone then. More educated people = More inventions.

And no one would have to die.
Raziaar said:
And? Your point is?

The point is, the weapon lost it's whole "wow" factor 14 years ago for me.

Yes, a bunker buster was used against a civilian bunker during the first Gulf War but can we keep all this anti-war crap in the politics forum rather then try to have it in the general forum as well.

And your just pissed off as my bunny can headbang and sing :angel:
Razor said:
The point is, the weapon lost it's whole "wow" factor 14 years ago for me.

Yes, a bunker buster was used against a civilian bunker during the first Gulf War but can we keep all this anti-war crap in the politics forum rather then try to have it in the general forum as well.

And your just pissed off as my bunny can headbang and sing :angel:

In all the years its been in service, I have never seen a 'cross section' video of what they can do. You're telling me 14 years ago you have? I knew what they can do, but its nice seeing how cleanly and precisely they just pound right thorugh that concrete like it was made of butter.