Burger Wars


Feb 2, 2004
Reaction score
I just saw a trailer for a game called Burger Wars.

Here is the official website for the game:

The trailer can be viewed here:

There is a section for it on gamespot here:

This is like one of the wierdest concepts for a video game I have ever seen. I laughed pretty hard when I saw the trailer, just because it is so rediculous. I guess it might be fun for 10 minutes, but how could you be serious when playing a game about fast food company wars?

I just thought you guys would get a kick out of this. :laugh:
I can't figure out why the developers think that this game will be even a little cool. It is so retarded, how could this possibly compete with Stalker, HL2, Doom 3, etc. I think the only reason it will sell will be because people will want a good laugh.
Give em a break, not every company out there has the funding or talent to knock out a great game. Atleast try tried, atleast they didn't just clone Counter Strike or some WWII sim.

sure, it looks crap, but I've seen FAR worse being sold, and actually bought by people. Just cause you might not like it doesn't mean someone younger wouldn't enjoy it. Yes the game clearly has tons of errors and could be greatly improved, but as I say, not everyone is a master at their field. Their probably really proud of it all the same.

And can always look at it this way, they made a commercial game, you didn't

now if anyone wants to bash them go right ahead, but don't go crying to Munro and Onions when we rip your mod idea's to shreads for the same reasons :p
Yeah, you're right Fenric. Maybe I bashed them a little too hard. To me it seems like a mod that is meant to funny, rather than a serious game. You have to admit, it is a strange concept.

But, like you said, they are probably proud of it. They have a lot of guts to take a chance and step up and make a game that will actually be on store shelves.

The theme song makes me laugh the most.
haha just watching the trailer lol that theme tune is great. You know, I might even buy this :)
Wow, no matter how bad that game looks, or any other game for that matter, I bet it'll still be better then Universal Combat.
It's the pseudo cel shading that spoils the visuals I reckon, otherwise I bet its a pretty fun game.


that just looks crazy. Why can't HL2 have fun weapons like that :)
I'd play it if it were a mod for some game but I don't think I'd buy it.
looks cool, i hope theres a demo, good for a laugh :)
Damn, I wish my workplace were that cool.....

The nearest we get to guns are the Tartare Sauce "gun" (Think the way you apply polyfiller) and the water sprayer in the sink....
this model looks cool.

Someone just took originality to a whole new level.
Hey all just saved this thing from being lost forever wondered if anyone was still interested in it. please respond new URL is http://www.ampedlabs.com
go chek it out new beta should be up soon take care all