Burglar looses his loot, gets beat up, sexually molested, stripped naked and arrested

that sounds like the begining of a gay porno movie
Haha, I love how he had to say "testicles and penis".
Man... what burglar would imagine he breaks into some old guys house and the old guy wants to bend you over a desk and fool around with you.

Old people these days... either they're prudes or completely ****ing perverted.
What? As if none of you have ever experienced that?

Give me a break.
Several other members of the neighbourhood reportedly chased the naked burglar through the streets.

The old guy had to get his hands on a criminals parts while he had the chance!
Lmao! It's the Metro, but hell, it was funny. I was like "wtf o_0" all the way through.

If only the job of robbers were starting to be taken by women.

If only the job of robbers were starting to be taken by women.

Statement evidently unconsidered. Please take a moment and think about a woman who might decide to turn to a life of crime. Now consider who'd be doing the sexually molesting. Now cringe.

Besides, you wouldn't get away with it if she were a woman.
I don't think I'd cop a feel. I'd more than likely cut em off. Don't want that sack of shit reproducing!

If only the job of robbers were starting to be taken by women.

Then she would be able to get you arrested for sexual harassment or rape, and she would get off scot free.