Burnout Paradise 75% off deal....worth getting?

May 22, 2003
Reaction score
so there's a steam sale on burnout paradise for 3,74 Euro and I'm tempted...3 things worries me though.

1) I've tried a couple of times in the past to get their friggin free trial to work, and I've never managed to get the thing to work.

2) requires EA online account....I really hate having to setup "3rd party" account stuff with my steam games. I wish Valve would put their foot down and require publishers/developers to shift to steamworks etc. in order to carry their games on steam. anyone have this EA account thing and how does it work? is it any good?

3) I hate shitty console ports. so did they port this thing properly? or do I have to fiddle with shitty controls and menu navigation?
From my experience with EA accounts its pretty simple to just set up an account and be done with it. The only way you'll have any type of issues is if you're doing it for console games, which is not the case for you. Can't say I can speak on whether or not its a good port, but if its 3.74 I'd say go for it. Great game.
Racing games on a PC? Get outta here.

Dammit I just got that damn Guns & Roses song out of my head, stuck in there from playing Paradise. Thanks a bunch D:

However I am enjoying the game, you should too.
I have it for PS3.

I was not impressed. The way they do the Open World Racing bores the shit out of me. INFINITE ways to play a race out!!! Yeah, and the same amount of ways to get ****ing lost at every turn. I found myself opening the map more than I was playing the game.

I'm no Burnout hater, either. The previous ones were some of my favorite arcade racing games.
Yeah Burnout 3 and 4 were both excellent, but Paradise was so unbelievably shit.
if you've got a pad/wheel to use, yes
loved Paradise on the 360...hours of fun!
mind you, I hadn't played any of the previous Burnout games so I had nothing to compare it to
rented it on the 360 and didn't like it, way too much boring in between areas. also racing games just don't do it for me anymore
As an arcade racing game, its pretty damn fun.

As a Burnout game, there are far better options (Takedown and Revenge).
It doesn't hold a candle to earlier Burnout games, but I still got some fun out of it. The EA accounts thing isn't really bad (it signs you in automatically once you've created it), and it's a good PC port. Ran smoothly on my average rig and has plenty of options for detail levels and such.
I've never owned Burnout game and the only other arcade racer I own is Fuel - which is kinda bland minus the fact that you get a nice variety of vehicles to race. I bought it but I was busy trying to beat Mass Effect 2 last night before doing this jazz. I think I'll finish it tonight and start playing this a bit.

Now there's a new set of games up for EA's sale.
I played a bit of it but it felt exactly the same as Revenge and Takedown. I miss the first two, I always thought they were the best.
I'm sceptical about P.C racers. Also, out of interest, does anybody else miss Burnout 3's Striker?