Bush declares space territory of US

I'm gonna sigh, ready?

All countries have space rights.
Peaceful space rights.

That's what I meant. If I meant that all countries have rights to blow the shit out of each other, I would of said that.

You don't need rights to blow the shit out of each other anyways... that happens irregardless.
Well, the US said in that article, they can block an enemy from using space as a weapon.
DUMB. The U.S reserves the right to load Earth orbit with all sorts of weapons but if anyone else attempts that it will be interpreted as hostile force.



The previliege of the most powerful nation on this planet.
I hate it when the most powerful nation on the planet is run by a retard and his space monkeys.
This is against the Outer Space Treaty, resolution 2222 (XXI) as far as I can gather, it provides the basic framework for international space law, here are some parts of it.

the exploration and use of outer space shall be carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries and shall be the province of all mankind;

outer space shall be free for exploration and use by all States;

outer space is not subject to national appropriation by claim of sovereignty, by means of use or occupation, or by any other means;

I'm a huge space nut and thus have a ton of this info written down, I have this info from the UNOOSA(United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs).

http://www.unoosa.org/pdf/publications/STSPACE11E.pdf This is that resolution etc, for those of you who want to read it.

The UN must get their ****ing act together, because this is a direct violation of the international space laws!
This is against the Outer Space Treaty, resolution 2222 (XXI) as far as I can gather

Yes I realised that aswell, what a bunch of arse hats the bush administration are.. they still want to weaponise space too which is just severely idiotic.
You know, if you had space fighters armed with electronic-auto guns, then no one can get you out of there.
About time, i gotta buy some real estate in space
The USA cant do this. As Gargantou pointed out. Its against the law. But then again, the USA doesnt really give a shit about any international laws anyway... And WTF is the UN gonna do to stop USA. They cant do anything.
I'd like to point out, that the US more or less equals the UN.
Numbers, would you have any objections to the U.S assuming control of this quadrant of our galaxy?

I'd like to point out, that the US more or less equals the UN.
I know! Which is why the first step towards ridding the world of the US is ridding the world of the UN!:LOL:
Anyone up for a suicide bombing?:D
I know! Which is why the first step towards ridding the world of the US is ridding the world of the UN!:LOL:
Anyone up for a suicide bombing?:D

Bush is going to be in so much trouble when the Space Invaders come!
Numbers, would you have any objections to the U.S assuming control of this quadrant of our galaxy?


Well, yes. Because thats gonna be ours. 4th greatest Army ftw.
The previliege of the most powerful nation on this planet.

Come on, you can't be serious?

Next you are going to tell me that Saddam hid his weapons of mass destruction in space and that we should invade the moon.

And this is nothing new, haven't you heard, Bush owns everything.
And Dan Brown's books are meant to be fiction. 'Deception Point' is coming to life D: Absolutely incredible...words fail me.
I know! Which is why the first step towards ridding the world of the US is ridding the world of the UN!:LOL:
Anyone up for a suicide bombing?:D

Please do . . . it's full of a bunch of pansies! :imu: I don't think the US can claim ownership of space....afterall it's quite vast & all we would be doing is land-locking the rest of the planet, but if we want to occupy mars or the moon, that's our own business.
Come on, you can't be serious?

Next you are going to tell me that Saddam hid his weapons of mass destruction in space and that we should invade the moon.

And this is nothing new, haven't you heard, Bush owns everything.

You are teh correct sir!

But still, the United States is THE world superpower. I wish my country was a superpower. :(
I wish NK AND SK was a superpower, then we could have supar-dupar korean war!!*J/k*
ACtually, that'd not be that bad. If we won, anyway. :p
You are teh correct sir!

But still, the United States is THE world superpower. I wish my country was a superpower. :(

Your country probably will be up there along with all the other Asian countries in a couple decades. China is set to surpass our economy by 2025 I think. Japan will also come close. And from what I hear south Korea is currently the fastest growing economy out there. I would love to visit your country sometime, looks like an awesome place to get ****ed up and party.
I wish my country was a superpower. :(

thats easy! all you have to do is become really, really retarded. you know, just like in the US. ;)

well actually you need 51% of voters to become retarded.
After it reading through and coming across this

"This policy emphasizes that the United States is committed to peaceful uses of space by all nations and that space systems enjoy the right of free passage," National Security Council spokesman Frederick Jones said.

It does seem to say that America are more interested in making sure China doesn't start trying to attack it's satelites with laser beams or whatever then putting lasers in space to attack other countries. The treaty seems to say:

1. no weapons in space from anyone, and America will move against anyone that tries to put weapons in space.
2. allow everyone to use space for exploration, science, communication, etc
3. move against anyone using any means to attack us satelites in space.
And Dan Brown's books are meant to be fiction. 'Deception Point' is coming to life D: Absolutely incredible...words fail me.

bush is going to fraud america into believing aliens came here on a asteroid?
that was a good book though
I think it's time the Combine came along and sat Bush down for a lecture about how you don't own space until you've established an interdimensional empire.

"You think you're special becuase you've been to your moon? stfu!"
dont give bush ideas...

news flash: bush starts program for interdimensional travel today
I declare everything within a 15 degree solid angle over my head as MY terrirory!

YAY!!! I own a gazillion stars!!!11! :devil:
Your country probably will be up there along with all the other Asian countries in a couple decades. China is set to surpass our economy by 2025 I think. Japan will also come close. And from what I hear south Korea is currently the fastest growing economy out there. I would love to visit your country sometime, looks like an awesome place to get ****ed up and party.

China is going to crash just as fast as it started if it can't drastically change the way it uses materials, and what materials it uses. China requires ALOT of materials that the world is running out of.
I think it's time the Combine came along and sat Bush down for a lecture about how you don't own space until you've established an interdimensional empire.

"You think you're special becuase you've been to your moon? stfu!"

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: rofl.