Bush or Kerry, vote today!

Bush or Kerry

  • Bush

    Votes: 55 34.0%
  • Kerry

    Votes: 107 66.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I suggest a religion poll next. We could all vote for which religion is the one and only.
what!? said:
I suggest a religion poll next. We could all vote for which religion is the one and only.
/me shudders

Been done a few times... don't want to see another one. :p
OCybrManO said:
I think a lot of the problem is that the people that would otherwise vote for Nader don't want to waste their vote... so, they just pick the Democrat or Republican that is a closer fit. With the way things are now voting Nader is equivalent to not voting at all.

I know Nader is not going to win. I know this is going to be a relatively close election. I'd rather have Kerry than Bush. So, I vote Kerry... but if there were three equally influential parties I might cast a vote for Nader.

Nice post. I see so a lot of people that don't understand that voting for Nader basically is just hurting the democratic candidate.

Now, that's of course their right to vote for a third party if they wish, but in a close election like this one, the votes that go to Nader are pretty much only helping the Bush campaign.

As for the poll, I'll be voting for Kerry.
i'll vote for a third party. doing so may be throwing away my vote, but at least i'll be able to keep my self respect.

..what's left of it anyways heh.
I'd vote for Kerry over Nader anyday. How can people honestly convince themselves that Nader would be a good President? He doesn't even have a real campaign on the ground. All his candidacy will achieve is making third parties even less likely and shifting both parties even farther to the right.

It's pretty obvious whom I'll be voting for, since it's also who I've decided to work for. This goth-chick poetry-slam whining about how they are both equally bad just sounds like so much lazy cynicism to me.
moz4rt said:
i'm neither a democrat nor a republican. if kerry doesn't convince me by november that he can make up his mind about issues, then i'm voting for bush.

"I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, but I'll happily repeat Republican focus-group created talking points!"

Same difference.
Personally, I think the only thing holding together the Bush campaign is emotionally charged, religious issues like gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research.

Sadly, in my opinion, many people view these things being more important than jobs, the economy, healthcare, or international relations. In our world such abstact things as these don't seem to hold people's interest nearly as much as smaller issues that just evoke a strong emotional response.

Oh, and let's not forget terrorism and the fear Bush would like us all to feel. And of course he's the only one who can save us. I mean, so he only happen to invade and take over the wrong sovereign country and failed to catch the real person who actually did commit a terrorist act on US soil. Everybody makes these mistakes of course. And who can really tell third world countries apart anymore, anyway? But I'm sure the next four years will be totally different. He just needs to take away a few more citizen rights (patriot act) and we'll all be safe once again.

Yes, I know I'm a sarcastic bastard. Sorry for the somewhat nasty tone, but I'm just so sick of the Bush administration all all its crap.
Neutrino said:
Personally, I think the only thing holding together the Bush campaign is emotionally charged, religious issues like gay marriage, abortion, and stem cell research.

Sadly, in my opinion, many people view these things being more important than jobs, the economy, healthcare, or international relations. In our world such abstact things as these don't seem to hold people's interest nearly as much as smaller issues that just evoke a strong emotional response.

Oh, and let's not forget terrorism and the fear Bush would like us all to feel. And of course he's the only one who can save us. I mean, so he only happen to invade and take over the wrong sovereign country and failed to catch the real person who actually did commit a terrorist act on US soil. Everybody makes these mistakes of course. And who can really tell third world countries apart anymore, anyway? But I'm sure the next four years will be totally different. He just needs to take away a few more citizen rights (patriot act) and we'll all be safe once again.

Yes, I know I'm a sarcastic bastard. Sorry for the somewhat nasty tone, but I'm just so sick of the Bush administration all all its crap.

Please tell me what the Bush administration has failed to do about things such as jobs, economy, healthcare, and international relations?
Phraxtion said:
Please tell me what the Bush administration has failed to do about things such as jobs, economy, healthcare, and international relations?

Wow, it hard to know where to start. How about the killing of children in Iraq? How about the steadily declining economy and steadily increasing debt?
Still havent really decided, im not a big fan of Bush, and Kerry flip flops to much, so i guess ill vote for some no name :D
Cyperious3 said:
Wow, it hard to know where to start. How about the killing of children in Iraq? How about the steadily declining economy and steadily increasing debt?

:dozey: at the killing children part
Economy is bouncing back not goin down
Debt still a problem
doing so may be throwing away my vote

Any vote is better than no vote, in my opinion. They all count for the same at the end of the day. You can guess who I support, but I'd rather have you vote for Kerry/Nader than nobody at all (although Bush would be best!).
Cyperious3 said:
Wow, it hard to know where to start. How about the killing of children in Iraq? How about the steadily declining economy and steadily increasing debt?

Not to sound cold in any way but in every war that has ever been men, women and children have died and that will always be a part of it. Im not 100% for the direction the war has taken but I do feel that it is something that has to be done.

As for the economy.. since last August, 1.5 million new jobs created. This was after the stock market bubble, recession, terrorist attacks and the corporate scandels. No its not perfect, but I think the Bush administration is doing a pretty good job.
Furthermore, if you look at the statistical numbers GW actually inherited a recession from Clinton. While not all agree, many economists say that Reagan's tax cuts helped fuel the prosperity Clinton lived off of.
Phraxtion said:
Please tell me what the Bush administration has failed to do about things such as jobs, economy, healthcare, and international relations?

(economy and jobs)

(healthcare, tuition)

Between 2000 and 2003, the study says, inflation-adjusted figures show wages dropped 0.2 percent while tuition at public colleges and universities increased by 13 percent. The campaign says the tuition increase is the largest on record for a comparable time span. At the same time, health insurance premiums grew by 11 percent and gasoline prices were up by 15 percent, according to the study.
(quoted for emphasis)

and I do believe the infamous "You are either with us or against us" comment by Bush is enough to prove his failures in international relationships:
:LOL: at the people who say that the bush administration isn't causing economic problems, just watch a news channel like cnna and msnbc and they'll tell you that poverty is at an all time high since 1994
cnna and msnbc

You mean left and lefter?

And I loved his "You are with us or against us". Do you want to just let other countries say "We love your aid" and then fund terrorists behind our backs? I'm sorry, but you really are with us or against us on terrorism (to which he was referring). The War on Terrorism (not Iraq) is very comparable to WWII. Good vs. Evil. There is no gray.
Sai said:
so what do you watch?

the o'rielly factor?

You tell me how he is biased. He puts on just as many people from the left as he does from the right. If there is a person from the left debating him, then he takes the devils advocate stance (conservative). Now if you want bias then watch Hannity and Colmbs, you can get enough of it from both sides there.
seinfeldrules said:
You mean left and lefter?

And I loved his "You are with us or against us". Do you want to just let other countries say "We love your aid" and then fund terrorists behind our backs? I'm sorry, but you really are with us or against us on terrorism (to which he was referring). The War on Terrorism (not Iraq) is very comparable to WWII. Good vs. Evil. There is no gray.

Oh sorry, didn't get my news from fox so i must be incorrect, and i never tried to pretend that the comment and the article were referring to iraq and not terrorism, if you read the article you'll know.

OH and guess whats on the "LEFTER" right now... George and his wife on larry king live... whew i'm glad its so biased.. :rolleyes:
OH and guess whats on the "LEFTER" right now... George and his wife on larry king live... whew i'm glad its so biased..

hahaha, if he had to avoid the entire left media then he wouldnt be able to make any appearances at all.

and i never tried to pretend that the comment and the article were referring to iraq and not terrorism

From your article:

President Bush said Tuesday that there was no room for neutrality in the war against terrorism.

Puhlease kid.

Ahem yet again:

"You're either with us or against us in the fight against terror."

Who didnt read your article? Oh thats right, it would be you.
Innervision961 said:
(economy and jobs)

(healthcare, tuition)

(quoted for emphasis)

and I do believe the infamous "You are either with us or against us" comment by Bush is enough to prove his failures in international relationships:

If you dont mind.. show me some statistics from somewhere other than one of the most liberal stations out there.

As for the infamous "You are either with us or against" comment, is it not true. If your not for the war on terror... then where do you stand?
doesn't matter, he gets enough air time on fox to more than make up for it... But we are absolutely sure thats not because he has family working there right. :)

And if your not with us and not harboring terrorists on the war on terror, then your stance is nuetral and you would rather not have terrorists attacking you because you got involved.
I think people cant take it when a politican says something straight out. They need it sugar coated so it doesnt "hurt anybody's feelings". Heaven forbid Iran or North Korea gets a little flustered at us! Its more important to appear weak and continue to be attacked.
And come on. You're saying FOX gets more airtime/attention than ABC, CBS, CNN, and the New York Times.
seinfeldrules said:
And come on. You're saying FOX gets more airtime/attention than ABC, CBS, CNN, and the New York Times.

LOL hahaha..
Well how many wars do you propose we start in the span of four/eight years? We are practically stretched to the limits now (military wise).
seinfeldrules said:
And come on. You're saying FOX gets more airtime/attention than ABC, CBS, CNN, and the New York Times.

Well now your contradicting yourself because cnn is supposed to be left and biased so why would they give him eqaul airtime?
Well how many wars do you propose we start in the span of four/eight years? We are practically stretched to the limits now (military wise).

As many as it takes to ensure not a single American is ever struck by terrorism again. We have also barely begun to flex the great muscle that is the American military. Far from it.
I'm voting ATi because it's not nVidia!!!

Oh wait...err...wrong debate. Sorry about that.

I'd vote for Bush, but he really should change his running mate. Michael Moore would be a good running mate. After all, who doesn't want Moore/Bush in 2004? ;)
Well now your contradicting yourself because cnn is supposed to be left and biased so why would they give him eqaul airtime?

So a fifteen minute clip is equal to 23.45 more hours of news coverage? Hmm, only in America.
I'd vote for Bush, but he really should change his running mate. Michael Moore would be a good running mate. After all, who doesn't want Moore/Bush in 2004?

AHHHH was that a hernia that just popped out! ;)
seinfeldrules said:
As many as it takes to ensure not a single American is ever struck by terrorism again. We have also barely begun to flex the great muscle that is the American military. Far from it.

130,000 Army troops are in Iraq. Pentagon officials had hoped to reduce that number, but the ongoing insurgency prevented it; 9,000 Army troops are in Afghanistan; 3,000 help keep the peace in Bosnia, as do 37,000 in South Korea.LT. GEN. JOHN VINES, U.S. Army: So currently, we are stretched extraordinarily thin.

Also there you go, fogging the difference between iraq and al qaeda. :rolleyes: If i recall correctly, iraq has never attacked Ameica...
You forget about all the troops that are being wasted in places like Germany and Japan. Get those fellas outa there.
well tell them don't tell me , i'm not in charge of troop assignments, and maybe, just maybe they are there for a reason (such as quick deployment in case of an emergency)