Bush Pushing for Reform

I honestly don't know how they can say 'fair & balanced' with a straight face. Oh well.
Sorry Seinfeld didn't mean to hijack your thread, so I'll just ask everybody to ignore my previous post and let us focus on your topic, but with scources we can trust ;)
(BTW I mean you know that if any program itself has to say upfront that they are fair&balanced it isn't, I mean most good fair&balanced programs are critical of themselfes, thats what makes then fair&balanced)
Oops, sorry, I see I did it again.
But now seriousely guys, lets stay on topic.
Like Jon Stewart said, CNN's slogan is that you can trust them, and believe me, you can't. Fox News is as much of a hypocrit as CNN is (okay, maybe a little more :p ).

Now, on-topic please note that Bush was agaisnt the 9/11 comission in the first place but now he shows it off like a victory. He's giving power to the Pentagon and taking from the CIA - wrong. CIA needs more power and more people, that's why it fails so much, because Presidents want the CIA to be everything and don't give them anything.

WMD teams - removing power from FEMA, further dividing it, that is, making even more bullshit.

Bush is only doing this to keep a front.
FOX news, what a joke. If I want right-wing "news" (and by "news" i mean propaganda) I'll listen to Rush Limbaugh.
Innervision961 said:
You mean the same commission he stonewalled... I'd say hes is around 4 years too late to be worrying about this stuff now, wouldn't you?
... but that doesn't make him a flip-flopper. No, sir. Apparently, the rule (according to FOX) is when a Republican changes his mind it's because he learned a lesson from a past mistake or he is following the will of the people... but when a Democrat (and one that works in a government body that requires cooperation and compromise to be effective) does the same thing it's because he either doesn't know where he stands on the issue or is just pandering to the voters just to get elected (notice the different connotation of that wording compared to "following the will of the people").

Another thing I've noticed on FOX is that people (even the anchors) can say any insulting comment they feel like saying about anyone as long as they preface it with a phrase like "You know, some people say..."
Its amazing how quickly people jumped all over this. It is as they are obsessed and quite paranoid over FOXNews. Maybe your leftie TV stations make you feel safer because they do a better job of reinforcing your beliefs. You guys must feel heartbroken that Rather is retiring, just more evidence that America is sick of listening to leftist propoganda every night on the 'core' channels.
ahahhahahahah are you saying cbs is "left"? cbs? ahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

*wipes tear from eye*


I'd say this is closer to left. CBS is closer to right of center
CptStern said:
ahahhahahahah are you saying cbs is "left"? cbs? ahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahaha

*wipes tear from eye*


I'd say this is closer to left. CBS is closer to right of center

To most others it is a very left wing leaning news organization. They were almost crying when the Ohio numbers were being read off. Rather tried to stumble his way out of the situation by blaming it on the bloggers :LOL: Out of the mainstream American media groups it is one of the furthest leaning left. You cant just choose the most extreme liberal site out there and claim that CBS is right wing because it isnt as fanatical. It would be like me claiming George Bush is a liberal because the only person I compared him to was Rush Limbaugh.
seinfeldrules said:
To most others it is a very left wing leaning news organization. They were almost crying when the Ohio numbers were being read off. Rather tried to stumble his way out of the situation by blaming it on the bloggers :LOL: Out of the mainstream American media groups it is one of the furthest leaning left. You cant just choose the most extreme liberal site out there and claim that CBS is right wing because it isnt as fanatical. It would be like me claiming George Bush is a liberal because the only person I compared him to was Rush Limbaugh.

there is no such thing as mainstream left leaning media. Didnt cbs get in hot water over the boobygate incident? A left leaning media outlet wouldnt bow to corporate pressure because in most cases they are independantly owned. I know it must look like a left leaning media to someone so rigidly conservative ...but trust me it's not. Just watch CBC or BBC ..they just skirt the left but they are closer to centre

btw did you stop to consider that many americans were absolutely terrified of the thought of another 4 years of uber-conservative bush? Why do you think immigration canada got 120,000 visits to their website the day after the election when their average is 20,000 in a month? Thankfully it's just as hard for americans to emigrate to canada as it is for anyone else
btw did you stop to consider that many americans were absolutely terrified of the thought of another 4 years of uber-conservative bush? Why do you think immigration canada got 120,000 visits to their website the day after the election when their average is 20,000 in a month? Thankfully it's just as hard for americans to emigrate to canada as it is for anyone else

Well, if we are so terrified, why did we elect him? Your hypothesis doesnt quite fit the results. Nor does it explain how every other media outlet in America is drastically trailing FOXNews in terms of the news. Blame it on rednecks all you want, but the true reason is people are sick of hearing the left wing bias in reporting night after night.
Stern never said that the majority were fearful of Bush, just many. I don't see any contradiction in his post.

And it's not because people are sick of a left wing bias in reporting. It's because Fox News tells your Average Joe American what he wants to hear.

Economy's going great! Bush is leading the nation to prosperity! Freedom's on the march! And we're whooping terrorist ass! Iraq? It's swell! Like, I was just there a few days ago, and the country's looking great. Seriously, everything's fine. They were selling patriot ice cream wrapped in American flags an' shit. It was ****in' amazing.

mmmmmmmm patriot ice cream .....chock full of propaganda goodness

oh btw foxnews is coming to canada ..but so is Al-Jazeera ...hehe now that's "fair and balanced"!

personally I think foxnews would be wasted in canada ..too extreme for most canadians
wth? fox is allowed? last I heared they were banned .. oh well :(

ps don't bash aljazeera :p news agencies quote stuff from aljazeera .. but I've never seen a news agency quoting fox.
Don't like FOX, but saying Al Jazeera is better, is like saying Staling was a nicer guy than Hitler.
The only reason they quote it from Al Jazeera is becase they have no choice, Al Jazeera gets certain materials exclusivly.