Bush to declare "Victory"

Who thinks Iran or North Korea is next?
If it was up to Fox News Bush already won... meh, and they call themselves unbiased.

MSNBC too. Time still calls it a limbo, so does Reuters.
MaxiKana said:
Who thinks Iran or North Korea is next?

North Korea is very close to China, and USA would never risc a war with China, so most point at Iran.
If you're ashamed to be alive, kill yourselves already! argh!
Bush owns all u anti war hippies just face it the people want george bush and they got him cause he is that great of a leader u hippies
frusion said:
Bush owns all u anti war hippies just face it the people want george bush and they got him cause he is that great of a leader u hippies

have him then. and you can all pay the cost of the warmongering. and you can all face the consequences. time will do justice upon you.
Leela: "Nixon must've bought your body from the pawn shop."
Fry: "Yeah, and that electric guitar."
Nixon: *sings* "Remeber what the doormouse said: Feed your head. I'm meeting you halfway, you stupid hippies!"
Meh, it's not a surprise that 58,148,236 people were dumb enough to re-elect him.
And Bush could have said anything he wanted, all those hillbilly states would have voted for him anyway.
I suggest a new rule: when you don't know how to walk on shoes, you can't vote.
Any of you guys read Michael Moore's "Stupid White Men"? I think you'll find the first chapter in that very interesting.

Obviously bias against bush, the book conjurs up some very startling details and facts that basically amount to bush NOT winning the last election. By controlling which votes got counted he basically threw out whole cultures of voters who were more likely to vote against him, to increase his chance.

Close to the end he began breaking the law, plain and simple.
People in the military tend to vote bush, it's a statistical fact so they pestered overseas military to cast their votes; of those that did 344 had no evidence that they had been cast before the deadline, 183 supposedly 'overseas' votes were postmarked from the US, 96 did not have witness info, 169 came from unregistered voters, 5 came after the deadline, 19 voted twice, and were both counted.

Remember when it boiled down to the recount in Florida?
Gore was getting more votes.
At 2pm Gore was 66 votes behind, and the gap was rapidly decreasing.
At 2.45 the Supreme Court stopped the recount (Both people involved in the order to stop the recount were depending on Republican administration to secure their retirment).
Bush was instated as President, as reported by many of the papers before the official verdict was given.
When asked why they had stopped the recount in Florida, a Bush Spokeswoman said: "The counting of votes that are of questionable legality does, in my view, threaten irreparable harm to (Bush), and to the country, by casting a cloud upon what he claims to be the legitimacy of his election."
IE if you counted all the votes it would have cast doubt in people's mind over why Bush should be president WHEN HE DIDN'T WIN THE ELECTION. GORE GOT MORE VOTES.

Sorry to waffle on, and most of that is just rehashed from the book (sory Michael, just using it to make a point).

Thort u guys might enjoy that.
all you damn liberals, i'm glad bush is gonna win, john kerry woulda just screwed things up even worse, we know what bush is gonna do, but we have no clue what kerry woulda done, my bet is it woulda been horrible, so stfu, accept that kerry's a whiny little bitch, and move on
Icarusintel said:
all you damn liberals, i'm glad bush is gonna win, john kerry woulda just screwed things up even worse, we know what bush is gonna do, but we have no clue what kerry woulda done, my bet is it woulda been horrible, so stfu, accept that kerry's a whiny little bitch, and move on

Wow, you really do fit into that hillbilly category pvt ryan was talking about.
Sai said:
Wow, you really do fit into that hillbilly category pvt ryan was talking about.

Do you even know the definiton of hillbilly? Apparently not.
HEY MA! Get of the dang roof...

"some folk ul never eat a skunk, but then again some folk ul'

Like cleatus the slack jawed yokle..."

:laugh: <--link
burnzie said:
HEY MA! Get of the dang roof...

"some folk ul never eat a skunk, but then again some folk ul'

Like cleatus the slack jawed yokle..."

Perfect example of a hillbilly. Cletus from the simpsons. Its idiocy to assume all republicans, or even a large portion of them are hillbillies, just like its idiocy to assume all democrats or a large portion are drug using hippies.
Raziaar said:
Perfect example of a hillbilly. Cletus from the simpsons. Its idiocy to assume all republicans, or even a large portion of them are hillbillies, just like its idiocy to assume all democrats or a large portion are drug using hippies.

democrats aren't all drug using hippies? damn, there goes that stereotype
i'm sorry, i'm just overly agitated at the poll results.
Dedalus said:
have him then. and you can all pay the cost of the warmongering. and you can all face the consequences. time will do justice upon you.

well he's not going to pay for it cause we all are. This war will resound through out all the nations. And in our country...well...I will be eaten alive by taxes and probably be drafted.

:thumbs: you rock bush

Woooo...theres nothing wrong with being a hillbilly!I didn't vote...nor do I care, but I'm a redneck.Don't even start with those god damn stereotypes.
Well... another 4 years... another 2 wars I imagine. Another drop in the economy, another loss of thousands of jobs, another dollar added to gas prices, another 30 world countries that will begin to openly despise America...

It's a great country we live in isn't it? One that would vote for a pres to bring these wonderful things upon our country yet AGAIN for the next 4 years.


Not to mention the fact that he CANT be re-elected next term so really he's no longer fishing for votes. Oh that can only be a good thing... *sarcasm*
TBH I dont think it matters who won considering that they are both right wing parties :\ whats wrong with left wing? or center? If I were an American I wouldnt even vote. Whats the point? Both parties are going to be screw ups. You cant really blame bush in the end, most American presidents dont get attacked by terrorists I suppose. Although I dont really pay much attention to American history. Supposivly Kerry did some sort of film of him shooting birds or something so well........ like i said either way your screwed
MaxiKana said:
Who thinks Iran or North Korea is next?

If drafting is not an issue, both

Aide-"Mr president, we can't attack both, we don't have enough weapons to go around."

George Bush-"Use your head man, we send in the farmers with the pitch forks first, then send the convicted villains who are in death row, they'll die a lot quicker, the people who live in the ghetto next. After that send in the hippys, the suits, the students as well as the incendiary pigs."

Aide-"Sir can you not play Rome: Total War whilst we are in the oval office."

George Bush-"Sorry, those Egyptions put up a good fight. Add Eqypt to the hit list."

George Bush-"Sorry
MaxiKana said:
Who thinks Iran or North Korea is next?

If drafting is not an issue, both

Aide-"Mr president, we can't attack both, we don't have enough weapons to go around."

George Bush-"Use your head man, we send in the farmers with the pitch forks first, then send the convicted villains who are in death row, they'll die a lot quicker, the people who live in the ghetto next. After that send in the hippys, the suits, the students as well as the incendiary pigs."

Aide-"Sir can you not play Rome: Total War whilst we are in the oval office."

George Bush-"Sorry, those Egyptions put up a good fight. Add Eqypt to the hit list."