Bush's Most Radical Plan Yet

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If you've got something to hide in Washington, the best place to bury it is in the federal budget. The spending plan that President Bush submitted to Congress this year contains 2,000 pages that outline funding to safeguard the environment, protect workers from injury and death, crack down on securities fraud and ensure the safety of prescription drugs. But almost unnoticed in the budget, tucked away in a single paragraph, is a provision that could make every one of those protections a thing of the past.

The proposal, spelled out in three short sentences, would give the president the power to appoint an eight-member panel called the "Sunset Commission," which would systematically review federal programs every ten years and decide whether they should be eliminated. Any programs that are not "producing results," in the eyes of the commission, would "automatically terminate unless the Congress took action to continue them."

In practice, however, the commission would enable the Bush administration to achieve what Ronald Reagan only dreamed of: the end of government regulation as we know it. With a simple vote of five commissioners -- many of them likely to be lobbyists and executives from major corporations currently subject to federal oversight -- the president could terminate any program or agency he dislikes. No more Environmental Protection Agency. No more Food and Drug Administration. No more Securities and Exchange Commission.

But there may be a stumbling block. The commission not only threatens the environment and public health -- it would also violate the constitutional separation of power between Congress and the executive branch, enabling the president to dismantle programs created by lawmakers. "Under the administration's proposal, Congress would relinquish its constitutional power to legislate," says Rep. Henry Waxman, a Democrat from California who has been the commission's most vocal opponent. "Power would be consolidated in the executive branch, and the legislative role would be emasculated."

Republicans already have a plan to counter such concerns. Under a bill expected to be introduced soon, the power to appoint the commission would be given to Congress rather than to the president -- simply transferring the authority from Bush to his GOP allies on the Hill. And if the commission is challenged in court, the administration is likely to drag out the fight until it has firmly established a conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Either way, opponents consider the commission a serious threat. "The end result," says Waxman, "would be a field day for corporate lobbyists."

check it out.
I'm gonna guess that it's one of those things that sneaks into proposals like that which no one has really thought through well enough.
I mean, lets be honest here. If they were established and tried to do any of those things the issue would make Terry Schiavo look like a blip on the radar.
There is a sunset comission here in Texas and it works great.

This article is a typical liberal doomsday fantasy. No more FDA? yah right. They would never get to the susnset comission.
Bodacious said:
This article is a typical liberal doomsday fantasy. No more FDA? yah right. They would never get to the susnset comission.

source? or are you just making more conservative hugging speculation?

and no i dont think the FDA will go (though big business lobbyists for oreo, who own bush and want no more FDA reporrts on obesity sent out could pursuade him) but the the very ability to do so should NOT BE GIVEN. it eliminates all branches of government but executive...

lol, your little fantasy world is quite amusing. and texas is the most disgusting state in every aspect of its existance, dont point to it as a model for our country, i almost threw up.
My source is your own article:

which would systematically review federal programs every ten years and decide whether they should be eliminated. Any programs that are not "producing results," in the eyes of the commission, would "automatically terminate unless the Congress took action to continue them."

In what alternate dimension would the FDA not "produce results"? Whatever dimension you are in, obviously.
Bodacious said:
My source is your own article:

In what alternate dimension would the FDA not "produce results"? Whatever dimension you are in, obviously.

they would not "produce results" which the administration likes, so the administration exercises their power to stop it.

It is a power that should not be given under any circumstances. wayyy too much power for the executive branch =/
kmack said:
they would not "produce results" which the administration likes, so the administration exercises their power to stop it.

It is a power that should not be given under any circumstances. wayyy too much power for the executive branch =/

Whatever. You need to get over your bias and let go of the hate. Hate leads to suffering.
Bodacious said:
Whatever. You need to get over your bias and let go of the hate. Hate leads to suffering.

i need to get over my bias :LOL:

good job answering my question with some deep thoughts here mahatma. :dozey:
kmack said:
lol, your little fantasy world is quite amusing. and texas is the most disgusting state in every aspect of its existance, dont point to it as a model for our country, i almost threw up.
Not that I exactly trust either of you, but saying something as ignorant, hateful, and downright insensitive as this totally destroys any point you want to make. You're no better than your everyday racist.
Direwolf said:
Not that I exactly trust either of you, but saying something as ignorant, hateful, and downright insensitive as this totally destroys any point you want to make. You're no better than your everyday racist.
Well I can see why he almost threw up, texas has the fattest cities in the USA, and obese people make me feel sick at times as well.
Direwolf said:
Not that I exactly trust either of you, but saying something as ignorant, hateful, and downright insensitive as this totally destroys any point you want to make. You're no better than your everyday racist.

what race are Texans?

Zeus said:
Well I can see why he almost threw up, texas has the fattest cities in the USA, and obese people make me feel sick at times as well.

kmack said:
what race are Texans?

He didn't say you were a racist, but you are being prejudice and ignorant like a racist.
Foxtrot said:
He didn't say you were a racist, but you are being prejudice and ignorant like a racist.

oh really

Direwolf said:
You're no better than your everyday racist.

thats close enough for me to take offense.
It must be getting hot in kmacks double-wide.
Texas is a beautiful, if a bit crazy (although its craziness is still dwarfed by that of California), state but I wouldn't want the whole country to be governed like it. You shouldn't be proud of having the most executions or having an expess lane for it. Sure, not executing minors and retarded people is a good thing... but it was forced on Texas by the federal government. There's also the aforementioned obesity problem. The whole "don't mess with Texas" cowboy attitude would be a dangerous approach to international affairs. Up until 2003 (when it was repealed) homosexual behavior was a misdemeanor. You have to acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being if you want to hold an office. Up to a felony charge can be levied for promoting the use of, or owning more than six dildos. Also, in Dallas, it's apparently illegal to possess realistic dildos. I had some more but I can't find them and I have to leave. Anyway, suffice it to say that, IMO, their politics are just too interested in people's private lives and promoting certain religious views of "morality." That's my opinion of Texas.
Texas may not be the best state, it is a state of the United States nonetheless.

Although, commenting on the comission, I think it could do a good job so long as the delagates of the comission were rightfully elected members and the guidelines for "produced results" leaves some breathing room for aspiring federal programs.
Kmack is right, texas is one of the most ****ed up states in the US.
This thing is totally ****ed up, and all you people that disagree are total ****ing hypocritical idiots, if a democrat did this you would be all over it. Is it so hard to ****ing show a little emphaty and put yourself in others shoes, cause in the long run it's gonna bite you in the ass.

And you Kmack, you ****ing bitch, why are you arguing against them, I mean I like your arguments and all, and you're very smart. But don't you get it, the poor dumbasses that support bush are the ones that suffer the most becasue of him, the rich liberal elite enjoys his taxcuts. It's his own followers that won't have a decent pension, and will die becasue they don't have enough money for healthcare.
gh0st said:
It must be getting hot in kmacks double-wide.

i dont have a double wide. is mommy's basement cool enough for ya kiddo?
dont talk shit about me please. texas sucks, the civilized world sees that, i dont care if you dont.
I think some people need to ACTUALLY GO TO TEXAS sometime.
If you do you might realize just how massive the state is and how many people live there (almost 21 MILLION). I'm not saying everyone there is a saint, but theres plenty of people there who wouldn't stoop to calling millions of people petty and insulting names.

Some education: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas
Grey Fox said:
Kmack is right, texas is one of the most ****ed up states in the US.
This thing is totally ****ed up, and all you people that disagree are total ****ing hypocritical idiots, if a democrat did this you would be all over it. Is it so hard to ****ing show a little emphaty and put yourself in others shoes, cause in the long run it's gonna bite you in the ass.

And you Kmack, you ****ing bitch, why are you arguing against them, I mean I like your arguments and all, and you're very smart. But don't you get it, the poor dumbasses that support bush are the ones that suffer the most becasue of him, the rich liberal elite enjoys his taxcuts. It's his own followers that won't have a decent pension, and will die becasue they don't have enough money for healthcare.
And you have been to Texas how many time? GG ignorant assumption, you can **** off and die now.
quit it with the banter.. your just encouraging more flame bate.. this is supposed to be a discussion of what can be done to better ourselves and society.. not just whats good for corporation and capitalisim... im no mod, but stay on topic please , theres far too much of this emotional bias flying around.
Texas is a bit of a shithole actually. I've been there a few times to visit family, and I hate the place. Not that everyone there is a redneck, although there are a lot of them, but I just don't like the kind of people that live there. For starters the whole culture is extremely hypocritical, they literally cheer executions while denouncing abortions. Everytime they open their mouths about politics you can tell they're repeating verbatim bullshit they heard off of FOX News. To be proud of the number of people executed and the heavy influence of religion on their politics is astounding. I just couldn't stand living there, the thick coating of ignorance would just depress the hell out of me.

The ironic thing is that the ignorant masses that support Bush are the ones being hurt by his policies the most. Then you have middle to upper class Americans who vote for him primarily on selfish reasons. I usually try not to let political views sway my opinion of people but its getting harder.
My god I was just talking about the state itself, that it was the most poluted, had pretty high crimerate and all. But if what smwScott tells here is true, then texas is really a shithole.
DiSTuRbEd said:
That your a bigot and/or racist? I think we already accept it.
Kmack is not a bigot nor is he a racist. He is one of the best members here. He may stir up things, but he gives good reasons, is not hypocritical, the only mistake he made is arguing with complete morons. Which is a complete wast of time offcourse, cause you can't convince a moron with facts or logic.
Grey Fox said:
Kmack is not a bigot nor is he a racist. He is one of the best members here. He may stir up things, but he gives good reasons, is not hypocritical, the only mistake he made is arguing with complete morons. Which is a complete wast of time offcourse, cause you can't convince a moron with facts or logic.

You call other people "morons" because of their own opinions, not cool.
Bodacious said:
Especially when your facts are invented and your logic is flawed.

a perfect description of yourself.

this topic is dangerous. if lobbyists are appointed to the positions (a fact, and worry, that you have completely ignored) they have too much power. you did not read the article yet you say my logic is flawed. :LOL:
kmack said:
a perfect description of yourself.

You can't give one example of me inventing fact.

this topic is dangerous. if lobbyists are appointed to the positions (a fact, and worry, that you have completely ignored) they have too much power. you did not read the article yet you say my logic is flawed. :LOL:

Texas has the sunset commission and it works great. You can't find anything wrong with it.

Your logic is flawed. Let me show you.

kmack said:
if lobbyists are appointed to the positions..

Your logic is based on hypotheticals. If doesn't count.
Bodacious said:
Texas has the sunset commission and it works great. You can't find anything wrong with it.

prove it.

Bodacious said:
Your logic is based on hypotheticals. If doesn't count.

wow. you never cease to amaze me. of course it is based on hypotheticals. that is my reason for fearing these laws, because the laws are hypothetical. everything is hypothetical, that doesnt mean an intelligent discussion cant be had.

people plan for the hypothetical all the time, some times falsely (planning a war on iraq because they hypothetically had WMD's), sometimes correctly.
kmack said:
prove it.

The burden of proof is not on me. You are the one saying a sunset commission is bad. I gave you an example of a working sunset commission. The burden of proof is on you.


wow. you never cease to amaze me. of course it is based on hypotheticals. that is my reason for fearing these laws, because the laws are hypothetical. everything is hypothetical, that doesnt mean an intelligent discussion cant be had.

people plan for the hypothetical all the time, some times falsely (planning a war on iraq because they hypothetically had WMD's), sometimes correctly.

And that is false logic. Your only negative thoughts about this are if lobbyists are appointed. Ifs can go on forever and make anything look not what it seems to be.
:LOL: close mindedness is a disease.

i respect that it works in one state. but for a national plan? there are some dangerous things that could happen.
Direwolf said:
Quoted for truth, and so much irony that its dumbfounding.

i know, but im not the only one guilty of it. besides the things i am so adamant about (equal rights for homosexuals and abortion) i take the more open minded sides.
This is a prime example of why I hate the politics forum. Arragonce, hatred, bickering.....*sigh*
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