Bush's new space vision

Im sure more will be given in time. The most important part is that the plans were put in motion for this to happen. It probibly will not happen for a while but you have to start somewhere.
i think its a great idea. although it will cost a lot, i believe it will (as before) unite us, not to mention thousands of new jobs, and priceless new technology given to the US and the world, and economic stimulus provided by a new federal interest in bluechips.

i havent read the article (sorry) but i recall him giving 200 mil a year, to total a billion. thats chump change when you consider that its going to cost into the hundreds of billions.
Most of the money for the program is comming from a realocation of funds already in the NASA budget. Although it still won't be enough for what is being asked for.
Man I think it's awesome, we're doing something interesting finally. And man, we can have a moon base and a man land on mars in our lifetimes.
hey, thier were speculations about the moon shit in 69, but we did it. im sure we can do it again.
Great Bush wants to go to moon when people are ****ing dieng of hunger. All this crap isn't because he plans on doing it he just wants to be relected so that he can continue assaulting small countries and bringing "freedom".
God forbid we feed the hungry or pay of californias debt or put out more scholorships.
If there was something to persuade me to vote for bush....this would be it.

Its a very good political move to......becuase all the people that grew up during the first "space race" want to see us back on the moon and also mars before thay die.

Take my dad for example, he told me after watching bushes speech today that he would most likley vote for him now.
Awww...Why do some of you oppose this?

It's not like there aren't programs out there for the hungry.
Besides, we need to prepare for the future.
1. Most of the money will come from retiring the shuttle program ($11 billion)
2. There is only a $1 billion increase beyond that.
3. The fedral budget is over $1 trillion, that billion isn't going to change things much.

Oh and by the way, there is enough food being grown for everyone on the planet. It is because of certain globalization policies that people are starving.
Yea, and if the money wasn't being spent here it definately wouldn't be spent on anything better. It would just go to stupid pet projects that some offical wanted to do, or buy us a few more bombs. I mean it would be nice if we could help people with the money, but theres far more over bloated government programs out there that should take the cut before the space program.
Besides the technological benefits that could be gained from going to the Moon and Mars will probably result in the ability to increase the living conditions of billions. Heck the Moon could actually supply the entire planet with all the energy it needed plus more from using solar power plants stationed on the Moon.
I think that the war campaign should be stopped cuse its stripping people of jobs and making the dollar of no value.
Lavrik said:
I think that the war campaign should be stopped cuse its stripping people of jobs and making the dollar of no value.

this thread isnt about the war, its about the moon :frown:
No it is about the war. The secret war on the moon that Bush is covering up. Its actually a giant conspiracy that involves Saddam Hussain and the Ralians.

dont you think if bush REALLY wanted to get elected hed feed all the worlds starving and make the US a perfect country? how about we focus on one thing and get that over with.

then well focus on starving people.
I think that going to mars would be sweet, even though sending a human there is no different than a robot...all the human would have it sight as a sense. But it would still be awsome. As for money spent elsewhere...homeless people can dig themselves out of their hole! It's usually their falt that they are in that position. Lavrik do you support Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society"? (I have a feeling im going to become like waedoe, an infamous republican on this forum)
Well sure it's interesting but aren't you spending to much already? Your all going to be bankrupt soon :) fighting a war , losing jobs, economy in a slump, dollar weakening by the day.Deficit getting larger then ever...

Forget feeding the world poor, what about feeding your own citizens?

I can feel the stare of death from hundreds of trekkies.
Then again .. come to think of it, for the same amount of money we could send 400 robots to every corner of the solar system. Unfotunatelly we don't yet have AI advanced enough to make them do useful tasks autonomously.
First of all, the ammount of money it takes to put someone on the moon is insignifigant to the ammount of money the US gov already spends on social assistance and all those related programs.

Second, the technological advancements that come with increasing funding to the space programs benifit everyone on the freaking planet.

New materiels make goods cheaper and easier to make as well as introduce new engineering possiblities. An advancement in heat shields could be used to make jet engines run hotter, cleaner and more efficently.

New aerodynamic pricipals or materials would make future cars more fuel efficent or safer.

Etc, etc, etc.

But what has the space program actualy done for you?

Well, for one, a microchip origonally used to process photos taken by orbiting telescopes has been used to make mammograms more accurate.

Id like to keep the space program and even expand it.

If you dont like the space program for whatever reason, thats fine, your entitled to your opinoin, even if it does mean that your/your girlfriends tits rot off.
I suppose the space program might have benefits such as those, but I seriously don't think Mr. Bush is thinking of other people with this space program thing.
Thou the money bush will add to the space program will never be enough to develope a new "space shuttle" AND build a base on the moon AND go to mars. They need 100 billion not one.
Well the new space shuttle is alreaty developed for the most part, they've just never taken the next step to build it. And building a moon base and going to mars are going to happen over a long stretch of time, nasa is allocated 10 Billion a year as it is, he's allocating 1 extra billion to them a year. So lets be generious and say they can get all this done in 10 years (unlikely) that's 110 billion right there.

11 Billion a year is a litteral drop in the bucket compared to how much we're spending on wellfare or army research programs on how to make a nuke more effective. Plus we get a better return and better understanding of the universe. And the things we learn about space and how other planets work will give us insite on how our planet works, which is much more then we're getting from the social service programs in this country.
So how much exactly DO we spend on welfare or defense?
LittleB said:
I suppose the space program might have benefits such as those, but I seriously don't think Mr. Bush is thinking of other people with this space program thing.
Even if he gets elected a second time he will not in power while his plan is really put into action and it will be long before any potential benefits will be gained. So other than using it for political gain I don't see what else Bush could be using his space plan for.

I can bet that if it were Clinton or some other president that you liked that made gave that speech and set forth this plan then you wouldn't be against it.