Butterfly Effect, didn't really catch up


Dec 29, 2004
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Just watched Butterfly Effect, awesome movie really awesome :O
But, there were no sub-titles so i never really understood all of it so could anyone help me out, which of his lives were real etc?
He used his diary to go back in time and change some little event which totally changed how his life turned out. Basically the very thing he was trying to do (give the girl he was in love with a good life) he couldn't do unless he wasn't born at all. It all started with him and it had to end with him if that makes sense. It was a very ****ed up but satisfying weird movie.
I hated this movie it could have been so much better imho
Did you watch the director's cut? The ending was radically changed (for the better) and made the film very much worth watching.
Considering it was Ashton Kuthcer, I thought it was entertaining. Fairly enjoyable.

gick said:
Did you watch the director's cut? The ending was radically changed (for the better) and made the film very much worth watching.
Probably a bit twisted for the mainstream audience. It is a better ending though.
nofx said:
I hated this movie it could have been so much better imho

Ashton not there for starters and a better cast and director. :dork:
I thought i would hate this movie but i ended up liking it a lot. Great movie.
Cormeh said:
Probably a bit twisted for the mainstream audience. It is a better ending though.


He went back to some party he had when he was a kid where he first met the girl. He told her that he hated her and never wanted to see her again. He then woke up in uni or where ever he stayed with his other friend (not the girls brother)...
Then he burnt all his diaries and memories and said something like "I think this time it's going to be ok"... 10 years later he's on the phone to his mom walking home from work. In a busy street he see's the girl in a suit walking in the opposite direction. She stops behind him and looks back at him. He then stops and as he turns to look she turns and carries on walking. Then they go their separate ways. Cue credits.


Yeah, i suck at describing stuff. I forgot all their names >_< :p

Awesome movie though.
I must have seen the director's cut because the ending I saw is exactly what Ren.182 described. Makes me wonder just how bad the original ending was.

I was like Raziel-Jcd in that I thought I would hate this movie, and for the first bit, I did. All the characters were unlikable and the plot was confusing the hell out of me. However, once I understood what was going on, my perspective of the movie changed for the better. It turned out to be more thought-provoking than I had anticipated.

It was similar to A Beautiful Mind, and although not as good, was still worthy of my time.
A True Canadian said:
I must have seen the director's cut because the ending I saw is exactly what Ren.182 described. Makes me wonder just how bad the original ending was.

I don't think the original ending was too bad... though how he got there doesn't make sense.


He watches the video of his party again but this time he appears in his mother womb just before birth. Whilst she's on in hospitol he wraps the ambillical cord around his neck to kill himself before he is born. That way he can't hurt the girls or his friends feelings anyway. Cue credits.


I think I prefer the directors cut ending.
Ren.182 said:
I don't think the original ending was too bad... though how he got there doesn't make sense.


He watches the video of his party again but this time he appears in his mother womb just before birth. Whilst she's on in hospitol he wraps the ambillical cord around his neck to kill himself before he is born. That way he can't hurt the girls or his friends feelings anyway. Cue credits.


I think I prefer the directors cut ending.

This is the directors cut ending. It's infintely better.
gick said:
This is the directors cut ending. It's infintely better.

Wasn't sure which was which. Thanks for clearing that up :)
There's about 4 different endings as far as i know, could be wrong tho
Meh, it was alright. I think it was just riding on people's recent infatuation with Donnie Darko at the time because they're similar films.
Very very underrated movie imo... still haven't bought the director's cut though.

Critics just couldn't give it a chance.

I really love movies that make you use your brain.

If you guys like Butterfly Effect, watch Donnie Darko, it's pretty much where I got my name from :p
I liked the Butterfly Effect, but I really did not take to Donnie Darko. If it's time travel then Back to the Future for me!

(No one else dislike Donnie Darko? ;( )
There are 6 different endings for this movie, cba to look them up all of them right now but they chould be on iMDB somewhere..
I love Donnie Darko, this IS nothing like it.
Wow.. i just watched Donnie Darko
That was a great movie
My opinion: Director's Cut > Cinematic version.
I liked the ending where he watched his birth video and killed himself. Not so corny. They also said that his mother had 3 babies before... Who all died like that. That was intressting.
Edit2: Eric Lively is so gay.
gick said:
This is the directors cut ending. It's infintely better.
Damn straight. I'm glad I saw that one rather than the mainstream one.

I actualy have a Donnie Darko DVD lying around somewhere, been meaning to watch it.