Button Configuration


May 26, 2005
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Hullo thar
Does anbody here deviate from the w a s d keys for moving around ? i would be interested to know other gamers keyboard configurations , i have been experimenting moving the butons around i find the sprint key (shift) awkward to use. And does anybody use the multi button mouses? are they any good, do they help improve your gameplay?
RC-73 said:
Hullo thar
Does anbody here deviate from the w a s d keys for moving around ? i would be interested to know other gamers keyboard configurations , i have been experimenting moving the butons around i find the sprint key (shift) awkward to use. And does anybody use the multi button mouses? are they any good, do they help improve your gameplay?
I havent re-read the thread but I believe there are a few examples of config's and key binds in the link below.

RC-73 said:
And does anybody use the multi button mouses? are they any good, do they help improve your gameplay?

I'd guess that any serious gaming mouse has more than 3 buttons. It does help a lot, especially in games where you have to chose between numerous weapons (=DM :)). What kind of mouse are you using anyway?
I use a regular wheel mouse, nothing special. However, I found that after hours of playing on the w,a,s,d configuration, that my back would get tweaked because my arms weren't actually straight in front of me. So, I moved everything over to the 10-key pad on the right. I shove my keyboard way over to the left, and have my mouse in my right hand, and my left hand working the keys straight in front of me. I can play pretty much forever now, without my hands or back getting sore. :D

left strafe is 1
right strafe is 3
next weapon is 5
previous weapon is +
forward is 8
backward is 2
sprint is 7
grav gun is 6 <--- that's new, still getting used to it
use item is /
reload is *
flashlight is Num Lock
Crouch is delete
jump is enter

My left hand gets *really* busy. Moving over to type is a pain, which is why I don't talk much in games.
.syL said:
I'd guess that any serious gaming mouse has more than 3 buttons. It does help a lot, especially in games where you have to chose between numerous weapons (=DM :)). What kind of mouse are you using anyway?

I use a standard three button mouse but have heard some players use the multiple button mouses and assign each weapon to an individual button with great success.

Rickdeckard your config i think i will try, and assign weapons to the delete/end/home/insert/pg up/pg down keys and see what happens there.

Weapon changes are a pain using the mouse wheel when in the middle of combat and prev weapon select is useless if there is no ammo the weapon.
I use 7 buttons on my mouse, and have two spare. More buttons the better.
It's not only the buttons, it's the whole mouse. If you plan on spending more time gaming, I'd highly recommend a good optical mouse. Either go with a Logitech Mx 510/518 or the Razer Diamondback, which I'm really happy with.

It's like running a 100 meter dash with high heels..it's possible, but doesn't work too well :). The high price might be a problem, but for one everything about gaming is expensive, and the mouse really is the least of all, and secondly, a good mouse can last years. I've used my trusty intelli explorer for almost 5 years and it still works fine (for my girlfriend now ;)).
It really comes down to what you're comfortable with. mx510 doesn't have as much dpi as the 518 or diamondback, but it really only matters if you're playing with a very high sensitivity. If you're lefthanded, diamondback is the mouse of choice anyway.

It all comes down to whether you like ergonomically shaped mice or not. I prefer holding my mouse with just the thumb and pinky, so I'm all diamondback, but a lot of gamers prefer the design of the logitech (510/518 are identical in that matter).
I use the arrow keys for movement, the keys above (ins, home, pgup, pgdn, end, del) for other stuff like secondary fire, reloading, +use, flashlight, etc. Shift is sprint, CTRL is duck, backspace is spray (for hl2dm and css), mouse1 is primary fire and mouse2 is jump. I've tried a few times to switch over to WASD as it seems that's what everyone uses but I just can't stop using the arrow keys, which is what I used when I first started playing FPS's on a computer over 10 years ago (doom and wolf3d :p).
I am a lefty. I use the numeric keypad arrows for movement: 4 left, 8 forward, 6 right, 2 back. For me, the most important criteria for setting my key assignments are:

1) sprint-jump while moving in any direction
2) switch to grav gun instantly
3) have every weapon bound to a key within easy reach
4) zoom while duck-moving in any direction (this less than the others). I don't have this right now, but it seems like it would be handy for sniping.

I found the hardest part was getting sprint and jump in good spots in relation to the movement keys. I settled on the keypad 0 for sprint (which I hit with my thumb) and the keypad Enter for jump (which I hit with my pinky). Not perfect, because the pinky is weak, and I often find in the heat of battle I stop jumping.

The only script I use is a jump-crouch bind. Some think it is lame, hopefully less lame now that the hitbox error is fixed. I just can't find a good arrangement where I can sprint-crouch-jump in any direction manually, which would involve hitting 4 keys simultaneously. I don't see any downside to the jump-crouch script, unless it is considered poor sportsmanship.

I have a thumb button on my mouse that I am currently not using, but I am thinking of assigning it to grav gun swap. I tried assigning jump to it, but it threw my aim off.

I have the grav gun bound to the right arrow key, which I hit with my thumb. My weapons are all bound to other keys on the keypad.
I'm going to invest in a logitech 510, seems to be the only solution to rapid weapon changes seeing as your hand is allways on the mouse it makes sense to utilise it better
RC-73 said:
I'm going to invest in a logitech 510, seems to be the only solution to rapid weapon changes seeing as your hand is allways on the mouse it makes sense to utilise it better
Try 518 instead. Much more accurate. I'm told by several gamers that the feeling they had (and I) when they switched from 500 to 510 is more present at the switch from 510 to 518 :) The feeling being better aim and accuracy ;) Gonna get that my self.
RC-73 said:
I'm going to invest in a logitech 510, seems to be the only solution to rapid weapon changes seeing as your hand is allways on the mouse it makes sense to utilise it better

Yup the MX518, would be the weapon of choice, as it boasts 1600dpi which is double the accuracy of the 800dpi MX510.

I use a 1600dpi Razer Diamondback, but the ergonomics, are not a patch on that of my old MX510. The 510/518 really fit the hand nicely.

A good mouse pad is also a must with a good mouse. Icemat, steel pad or ratzpad.
i went out and got a logitech 510 and am having problems setting the buttons. The two side buttons i can assign to weapon catergories and mouse 1 + 2 plus the wheel are fine but i cant assign the three extra buttons at the top, is this normal?
Also is it possible to assign individual weapons to the mouse buttons instead of weapon catergories?
I had to bind the side and mouse wheel click button to letters in the logitech control panel, then set the letters to whatever weapons you want.

I have the mx900. Probably the same deal.

My job sucks. CBA. Done my year for cv experience and handed my notice in. Heh.
You can if you set them to other keys on the keyboard. You do it in the driveres. Select the key and choose keystroke or something, and you push the button you want it to act as. Then you just click the key or mouse button when you bind and til will work =) Why didn't you buy the 518? It's better. I just got one and it's awsome. Used a 510 before and 500 before that.
netrex said:
You can if you set them to other keys on the keyboard. You do it in the driveres. Select the key and choose keystroke or something, and you push the button you want it to act as. Then you just click the key or mouse button when you bind and til will work =) Why didn't you buy the 518? It's better. I just got one and it's awsome. Used a 510 before and 500 before that.

I'll try that... if i can find the driver panel. Once i get used to the 510 i'll get a 518 and give the 510 to someone else or if Dixons have one in stock i'll go and exchange it . i love the 14 day no quibble money back promise :)
its very confusing, it doesnt give me the option of assigining keys in the logi control panel just functions.
I am currently using a MX510. My MX518 gave out within 3 weeks. I have noticed a slight difference between the two. Either one is so much better than using a standard 3 button mouse. I do not use the Logitech software to assign the keys. I assigned the keys through the keyboard options in the HL2:DM setup screen. My layout is

Up Arrow - Move forward
Down Arrow - Move back
Left Arrow - Strafe Left
Right Arrow - Strafe Right
Left Shift - Sprint
Enter - Jump
Left Ctrl - Suit Zoom
Mouse 1 - Primary Weapon
Mouse 2 - Secondary Weapon
Mouse 4 - Grav Gun
Mouse 5 - Weapon Category 5
RC-73 said:
its very confusing, it doesnt give me the option of assigining keys in the logi control panel just functions.
Hm. It should be in the mouse setup somewhere. You should see a picture of the mouse there, and you should be able to select the buttons somewhere on that page with a link to the picture to show which is which. I could show you a screenshot, but the setup looks very different for the 518, so it wouldn't be helpful.
wow, mx this, mx that. All I have is an 2 buttoned with scroll, optical Mircosoft mouse :)
- Gordon
ComradeBadger said:
I had that until I got my Razer :D
I googled that, and it just looks like a regular mouse, just fancy looking..? Correct?
- Gordon
Razer Diamondback has 7 buttons.. all programmable and on the fly-sensitivity ajustment :D it's win

It's also extra-precise
ComradeBadger said:
Razer Diamondback has 7 buttons.. all programmable and on the fly-sensitivity ajustment :D it's win

It's also extra-precise
What do you mean by fly-sensitivity? And how is it extra-percise, in which way?
- Gordon
Well for a start its gotta be better than my piece of shit dell contraption. It skips every 20 seconds or so and seems completely random at times... lol

I'm gona invest in a decent mouse soon...
Pincus said:
What do you mean by fly-sensitivity? And how is it extra-percise, in which way?
- Gordon
It, like the Logitech MX518, has 1600DPI and you can adjust the DPI up and down so the sens changes accordingly. If you use 1600DPI as your default and switch to 800 you should have half the sens and so on. But it also makes it less accurate, so IMO, it's not a good feature, but of course, it's optional ;) I rather change sens via a scripts to get all the accuracy available.
netrex 1 button on the Razer Diamondback is sens change :p so yea - just the same as a sens-changer script :p
ComradeBadger said:
netrex 1 button on the Razer Diamondback is sens change :p so yea - just the same as a sens-changer script :p
But it changes the PDI, not the actual sens. Right? At least that's what the MX518 does. Which mean sit makes it less accurate, so I don't use it. Anyways, you can't change FOV in HL2DM, so I don't change sens anyways.
netrex said:
But it changes the PDI, not the actual sens. Right? At least that's what the MX518 does. Which mean sit makes it less accurate, so I don't use it. Anyways, you can't change FOV in HL2DM, so I don't change sens anyways.

The diamondback changes sensitivity as opposed to the mx518, which changes dpi hardware wise. The upside is that the mx518 sensitivity change works even if you choose not to install the logitech drivers whereas the diamonback sens change only works with the drivers installed. but really, you don't even need it. It's crap for fast deathmatch games, and in games it would make sense (as in counter strike...awp zoom sensitivity) you can change the sensitivity with a script or use a different zoom sensitivity to begin with.
.syL said:
The diamondback changes sensitivity as opposed to the mx518, which changes dpi hardware wise. The upside is that the mx518 sensitivity change works even if you choose not to install the logitech drivers whereas the diamonback sens change only works with the drivers installed. but really, you don't even need it. It's crap for fast deathmatch games, and in games it would make sense (as in counter strike...awp zoom sensitivity) you can change the sensitivity with a script or use a different zoom sensitivity to begin with.
Ok, didn't know it changed the sens with the Razer mouse. I've locked it to 1600DPI on my MX518 and use those buttons for scrolling like it's on the MX510 ;)

It's pretty nice with zoom/sens change with push and hold of a button in Q3 when using lightning gun and railgun. I just hold a zoom button (not the default zoom function as it's very slow to zoom in and out) and it changes FOV and sens while I hold it. Whish this was possible in HL2DM ;) Sure, I can hold the HEV-zoom in and release it every time I want to fire the magnum, but it works shit for the automatic weapons ;)
Now that i have got used to my MX510 what gaming mousepad would you guys reccomend?
i was looking at an icepad or ratzpad and would be interested in your opinions of these mats.
Depends how you aim and what you're used to. I have mid-to-high sens (bar 6 in Windows and 9.5 in HL2DM with 510 and 518) and I used a very smooth surface. A friend of mine uses a bit lower sens and he likes the resistance a clothpad gives him. My surface isn't hard though like various glass/metal pads are cause I don't like that feeling.

The one I have now isn't available anymore, but I believe the Everglide Titan pads are the new version (and most likely even smoother) of the one I'm using. Test that.
RC-73 said:
Now that i have got used to my MX510 what gaming mousepad would you guys reccomend?
i was looking at an icepad or ratzpad and would be interested in your opinions of these mats.

Icemat sucks. Seriously. Horrrid. I used one for a while, goes through teflon tape like there is no tommorrow.

Just got me an everglide ricochet. Lovely. No scratchy naty feeling, better mouse tape, rough and smooth side. Definately reccommend that one.

Just waiting for my mx518 from amazon. My experience with them is shit, I hope they sort it out.
i'm still undecided on what mat to buy, they all seem overpriced for what they are, but i'll have to get one soon as it looks like the pads on my 510 are wearing down from being used on a wooden desk surface.