buying a $6500 doll. how many of you would sink that low?

<RJMC> said:
I imaginate it

people in the house in a circle and one pick out the doll of the box

"ok I am going first"

"not me I payed 40%"

munro "this is my house"

"but I ordered it"

munro "give it to me or I ban you in"

"oh dam" gives doll

*munro use it*

seconds later munro "o right whos next?"

"why the doll hav the ass bited?"

*munro looks around* "ok your are baned"

LMFAO. Why the doll hav the ass bited?
RJMC's post reminded me of The End of the World.

"Hexcluding meteors becoming craished into us..."
<RJMC> said:
I imaginate it

people in the house in a circle and one pick out the doll of the box

"ok I am going first"

"not me I payed 40%"

munro "this is my house"

"but I ordered it"

munro "give it to me or I ban you in"

"oh dam" gives doll

*munro use it*

seconds later munro "o right whos next?"

"why the doll hav the ass bited?"

*munro looks around* "ok your are baned"

:laugh: * 15 trillion 563 billion 320 million 979 thousand 343.

It sounds like they're all high on something. no offense meant.