Buying a new comp.


Mar 13, 2004
Reaction score
A64 3000+
X800 xt
1gig ram
350 psu
Abit KT800PRO

Do you think that the CPU is good enough for X800 XT?
What do you think is this good enough to run most of the games on high settings?
That CPU will never keep up with an X800 xt, get a 9200SE instead...

Sorry, but thats about the third fastest CPU on the planet (Not including intel, which I don't). I know people keep going on about bottlenecking, but its not that drastic. Anyway, CPU bottlenecking isn't the major issue people make it out to be, unless you are using a PIII or something.

And yeah, you will want a 450+ psu with that lot, to keep it nice and stable.
Nice setup. Why don't you link us to the parts you are going to buy.
Looks good but don't know what kind of PSU or any details.

Any A64 will do great. It's just how much do you want to spend to improve the speed.

CPU scaling
the PSU is HEC 350 W and the video card is Club 3d X800 XT
cpu is AMD 64 3000+ winchester (939)
and 1gig DDR400