Buying Cardboard Boxes?!


May 6, 2005
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So I just stumbled upon this BBC article talking about people actually buying cardboard boxes online for storage/moving house -

C'mon, I mean what the hell? Don't people bother going to their local supermarket anymore? I work at a Sainsbury's and used to work on fruit and veg where most stuff comes in strong, good sized, cardboard boxes. I was always more than happy to give them away! And now we have a section by tills specifically for boxes.

Would any of you consider buying a cardboard box?
the boxes are much tougher than the kind you find at the grocery store and some have compartments for things like plates.
My dad takes them from his job. Parts for cars come in pretty sturdy boxes, so works for me! But yeah, living on my own, I'd probably consider paying for some. I dont know of anywhere that advertises "free cardboard boxes!" and I'd feel weird just walking into a random store saying "hey, can I have come boxes?"
I've just recently thought about buying some. We have a bunch of cardboard boxes, but they're all sorts of different sizes and do you have any idea how frustrating it is to play ****ing tetris while trying to organize shit? Uniform sized boxes are the way to go, and it's hard to get them without buying or having a good reliable source.
My tradition of making cardboard boxes is a noble one and I shall not have it devalued by giving them away for free! Hmph, grrr and blargen.
You can have USPS send you a whole bunch of First-Class Priority mailing boxes and envelopes by the truck load for absolutely no fee. In highschool we used to send a couple hundred to individuals we hated. Fun times. Probably not for the delivery driver.
Haha, an article on boxes.

Yeah, for as long as I can remember they always cost money. I would get them from work when needed or as said you can go to the back of the super market and find them there.
we've reached the end of the internet. there are no more interesting stories

Don't worry, you have an endless sea of old ones to dredge up!

I kid, I kid. Sort of.

Right Boxy?

I worked in a Garden Shop, the best Boxes ever were the Miracle Gro or Potting Soil Boxes. You could move Bowling Balls in those!
- When will we be able to see a finished box, Sir?
- Well, we don't assemble them here -- that's done in Flint, Michigan.

Hehe, immediately thought of that episode while reading this.
It is justifiable to purchase boxes designed for the purpose of moving house, the kind of boxes you cant find lying around outside stores.

But, to me, a box is a box. Slap some extra tape on the flaps to stop them opening and spilling the contents 10cm from the box's destination and you're home dry.

Every time I moved houses in Uni (all 2 times..), I would go to the back of a Tesco nearby and wait for an employee to come out, and just tell them I'm a student moving house and wnated to grab any boxes they were going to chuck. The guy lead me inside once and they had just piles of completely usable boxes ontop of larger flat-packed ones, all due to be either thrown away or sent for recycling. It was like cardboard box mecca. I took about 10, got home with them and cut some holes in the side as handles and away I went.

There's no shame in just going into a store and asking for some empty boxes that they aren't going to use anyway.
Best boxes growing up, were the new fridge or couch boxes. We used to make forts out of them and would play for days inside of them until we got stupid and jumped all over them trying to tackle each other in the basement.

boxes are more fun than the items that they contain sometimes
F**k yeah, boxes!

It had obviously been a slow news day.
Best boxes growing up, were the new fridge or couch boxes. We used to make forts out of them and would play for days inside of them until we got stupid and jumped all over them trying to tackle each other in the basement.

boxes are more fun than the items that they contain sometimes

Your couches came in boxes?
Whenever a customer asks for a free box leftover from stock I just tell them we've already compacted them. We sell boxes in a god damn box section, you scavenging mongrels.

I believe my job has turned me into somewhat of a prick.

Your couches came in boxes?

I coulda swore a couch we bought came in a box. like I think thats how they shipped it, and it was also in gigantic plastic which probably killed several of the neighborhood children
All the couches I've gotten (two) had the plastic sheet on them but thats all. Maybe if you order through a catalog or internets they have boxes.
All the couches I've gotten (two) had the plastic sheet on them but thats all. Maybe if you order through a catalog or internets they have boxes.

it was when I was like 6 years old. They were the double ply boxes too, which is why they lasted so long
I figured the average peasant-citizen of America would be too intimidated to ask for something like that at a store without getting arrested for something.
I am not reading this thread because I am scared of Portal 2 spoilers but I did read the OP and the way I always used to get cardboard boxes was simply to sneak in near the loading docks of big buildings and other colleges and take as much cardboard as a could, which usually seemed to work as there was nobody around. But failing that I could always just ask in a supermarket. Once I also spotted a huge box outside someone's door - they'd had a bike delivered to them - and I buttonholed them to ask whether I could have the box.

So far I have not found my Solid Snake true love one and only sneaking box, but I'm getting there.