Buying HL2 on Steam or Retail makes no difference

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This is the only thing you are saving when buying HL2 on steam, a drive to the store and possibly a day late of shipping.

As much as I wish valve would release hl2 over steam once it goes gold, they cannot because of Vivendi... their publisher makes all the money off box sales. So that would pretty much defeat the entire purpose of putting on sale in retail if the steam release came out earlier.

So anyway you slice it, there really is not a huge benefit in buying on steam unless you dont care about teh pretty box or saving a day of wait or giving all your money to valve... =p
Very, very common knowledge, but thanks anyway.

I've already got a free retail box coming from my ATI voucher, so I'm going to buy the game on STEAM too. Best of both worlds.
It's just more convenient. I'll also be able to play it the second it's released, which is a plus. :P
I doubt too many people plan on buying over steam really...
Baal said:
I doubt too many people plan on buying over steam really...

50% of the posters in this thread plan to do so.
If it wasn't for the CE, I would buy over steam. It's easier, possibly cheaper and you get to play the second it's out. Who cares for a box or a manual... You could always download a scanned one and print it out if you love those things so much...
Baal said:
I doubt too many people plan on buying over steam really...

Actually, I bet a load of people are.

I know I'm getting it via Steam via my ATI voucher and buying a boxed copy when the game hits a £5-10 retail price in the future.

DeltaBlast said:
If it wasn't for the CE, I would buy over steam. It's easier, possibly cheaper and you get to play the second it's out. Who cares for a box or a manual... You could always download a scanned one and print it out if you love those things so much...
yes i could download the manual and print it , but it will not be the same as having the boxed copy, and amost every home printer won't be able to print the box. and print on the dvd/cd won't look as good eiver.
Maybe Steam version is cheaper because you don't get the box and manuals?
SMT said:
Very, very common knowledge, but thanks anyway.

I've already got a free retail box coming from my ATI voucher, so I'm going to buy the game on STEAM too. Best of both worlds.

Yup, same here...except my copy is from sweepstakes, not ATI voucher :E
Actually there is a difference. Can you say...Collectors Edition??
This is unknown atm but if its released in Europe 2 weeks later just like Doom3 i see a VERY good reason to buy it through Steam.
ravennox12 said:
This is the only thing you are saving when buying HL2 on steam, a drive to the store and possibly a day late of shipping.
Or a trip to the mailbox. Is it really that hard to walk to your own mailbox? :rolling:
Retail is the route I'm taking. :E
# of people who bought HL

8,000,000 (i think)

# of those with steam

not anywhere near even 2,000,000

Retail is still gonna be the main way for a long long time to come.
Well, whats wrong with Pre-Loading Hl2 and then (like me) when the box arrives from amazon, you tap in the key and go go go!!!
anyway, this is the beginning dougy, you cant deny that. :p

but still, i prefer the retail-way. i want a disc. and a case. harrr,.. my precioussss..
just call me old fasion.. but i like my game in a box with a manual and some dvd/cd's... :dork:
Baal said:
I doubt too many people plan on buying over steam really...
I plan to.

then again I have two comps, and I am getting one copy over steam, and the other from the store.