Buying Mp3-player.

SimonomiS said:
Still has an utterly pointless lower case i. :laugh:

No, it doesn't anymore. At least, not in the official product name. They rebranded the whole line from iHP to simply 'H', followed by the number. So naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
Except it still says iHP-120 on the, w/e

Another feature I'm checking out at the minute is the option for the now playing screen to include information on the next upcoming track in your album or playlist.

It seems that work has begun on Rockbox for the H300 series, so that might be worthwhile if you're insistent on colour display - the architecture between H100 and H300 series is very similar, apparently. These guys (the developers) really put the work into these things once they start.

Please check out and if you're interested in any of this...
Yeah forgot about that, assholes.
Ah well, at least it got iPod fanboys off our backs with the whole "urhh iRiver - iHP, they're just pretending to be iPod, muurhh" BS...
It looks cool, but it definetly is a tad bit small in size (1 GB?) for my taste..
Not for me.. I need at least 5 GB.. I have lots of music!
ah :( I started liking music too late so I lack albums. I have no job either so I have to aquire it instead :D but ill buy some later. Thats why I can live with a mp3 cd player. I have 1.15 gb of music
I fill my 20gb iRiver, and could do so three times over. Not that I've listened to much of it!
Filling an MP3 player is not a big deal.. I can guarentee you will never listen to all of that music..
Shamrock said:
Filling an MP3 player is not a big deal.. I can guarentee you will never listen to all of that music..

Hehe, I dont just have my taste in music on it though. I have all sorts, meaning I can use a line out/in cable and hook it up to anything and play more or less any music anyone can name. Extremely handy (believe it or not...)
Shamrock said:
Filling an MP3 player is not a big deal.. I can guarentee you will never listen to all of that music..

That's not neccessarily true, my Audioscrobbler ( profile shows that I have listened to nearly 6000 songs (on my computer) in the last eight months. Much of that was the same songs over again, but it means that it's quite feasible to quickly listen through a few thousand different tracks if I really wanted to. My total collection at the minute is about 10,500 songs, if I committed myself to listening to a different song every time, I could probably get through them by the year end. If I wanted to... I tend to accumulate stuff because 'who knows', one day I might want to listen to all of Nine Inch Nails' catalogue...