By time this game comes out, it's gonna be like I already played it...


Oct 3, 2003
Reaction score
Ever have that feeling? I feel like I know the whole game already, except for the central plot. But even that you can piece together from all the screenshots and leaked information.

i cant :( well i know what your sayin sort of have that feeling
Yeah that's why far cry is starting to sound more interesting while half life 2 is getting delayed further and further. I think this game COULD be bad because it's so hyped up and if it doesn't deliver many fans will be dissapointed. But I haven't lost faith in valve yet, or hl2.
Its hyped, but not the Doom 3 type of hyped. If anything I would say its like i've already played doom 3. As for HL2, it generates its own hype, the devs havent really shown us anything apart from Gordon, a scientist's hot daughter, a nice physics engine and the manipulator. Apart from that the rest is totally up in the air, so I dunno how you can say you've already played it, because none of us know anything about it in the slightest apart from the technical stuff. We dont know who is against who, why gordon is there, what his mission is etc... we know nothing. Now take doom 3, we know its on mars, we know your trying to escape and we know there will be demons and zombies everywhere. The rest is just filler... HL2 is a mystery at this point
LOL, if I cared really what the story was about, Id feel the same way, but since really all I care about with HL2 is the modability, I can wait and will wait.

Anyways, I feel bad that it got totally hyped up and didnt release when it should have, cause then everyone gets disapointed, and well the game will still sell, but it gives other games a chance to creep in on the territory.

Although by playing farcry, I wasnt that impressed, maybe its because Ive seen all the special effects and features before, and know so much about them, it seems so cliche now. And well once again I usually look at games differently. I like a good story, but only when it presents itself to me and totally suprises me. Another thing, in my oppinion farcry's gameplay was just the typical shoot, kill, run, kill, run, shoot, kill game. Blah, Ill reserve final judgement till it comes out.
Even though far cry was a typical run and shoot type game, I was really impressed by the view distance and the possibilities for multiplayer were really exciting. I don't really know what the hype was on the AI as they didn't really do that much out of the ordinary. My hopes for half life are that they incorporate similar features in their design, especially the eye for details and the fluidity of movement.
I was getting lukewarm until I watched the movies again...
Ah, the bliss...
ZoomaCLW said:
I was getting lukewarm until I watched the movies again...
Ah, the bliss...

I am always excited about this game. Every time I watch the videos on the computer I got FOR HL2, I get excited. I'm 14 years old and played Half life for the first time like less than a year ago, then they announced HL2. I didn't really care at first, but now I want it.

Here I am with a great computer, and no HL2.
I have a Athlon 64 FX in this thing :bounce: .

Oh well, I'm patient... so I'll just wait it out.
MadMechwarrior said:
Its hyped, but not the Doom 3 type of hyped. If anything I would say its like i've already played doom 3. As for HL2, it generates its own hype, the devs havent really shown us anything apart from Gordon, a scientist's hot daughter, a nice physics engine and the manipulator. Apart from that the rest is totally up in the air, so I dunno how you can say you've already played it, because none of us know anything about it in the slightest apart from the technical stuff. We dont know who is against who, why gordon is there, what his mission is etc... we know nothing. Now take doom 3, we know its on mars, we know your trying to escape and we know there will be demons and zombies everywhere. The rest is just filler... HL2 is a mystery at this point

nicely said my friend
MadMechwarrior said:
As for HL2, it generates its own hype, the devs havent really shown us anything apart from Gordon, a scientist's hot daughter, a nice physics engine and the manipulator. Apart from that the rest is totally up in the air, so I dunno how you can say you've already played it, because none of us know anything about it in the slightest apart from the technical stuff.

We know, or we can basically assume from his uniform that Barney gets gordon out of jail. We are pretty sure that Gordon is working for the G man. We know that City 17 is being taken over by the combine, and being destroyed by the tower thing. We know that there is a guy who you work with in the city who helps you by laying traps.

Granted, that is very little, but not so much is known about Doom3 either.
Now take doom 3, we know its on mars, we know your trying to escape and we know there will be demons and zombies everywhere. The rest is just filler
Yes, it takes place on Mars, there will be monsters everywhere and you have to escape, but that is just the story from the original Doom. By them saying that it follows the original plot doesn't over hype it. I think that there will be much more to Doom3 than that broad summation of the plot.

HL2 will take place in City 17, you will have to destroy the combine, and there will be monsters and soldiers everywhere. The rest is just filler.

CAUTION: Not meant to start a HL2/D3 war.
But you don't know who the Combine are. Or what they're trying to do. Or what the G-Man wants from you. With Hell it's easy. They want to kill stuff.

I remember in the late 90's waiting for UNREAL to finally be released. Talk about knowing the game before you played it... We downloaded every scrap of info from the Web, read it over and over. When it was released, I bought it before I had a computer that would run it!
lol u had the game but no pc to run it. that musta hurt lookin at it and not bein able to play it!
bet ya'll didnt know that we have to destroy the hell's menace by going to hell itself!!! bet u didnt know that huh? now don't take me wrong, i am a hl2 fanboy, but doom3 will be a lot better in every sense than hl2 (except gameplay problably...)

EDIT -> and WHAT DA HELL is a Manhack?? is it a thing that...hacks men?
The game isnt over hyped and im getting sick of people saying that, if you think its over hyped don't buy it and shut the hell up. One less retard to face in multiplayer. If you think far cry is gunna be better play that instead.
Uberhammer said:
I remember in the late 90's waiting for UNREAL to finally be released. Talk about knowing the game before you played it... We downloaded every scrap of info from the Web, read it over and over. When it was released, I bought it before I had a computer that would run it!

HAHAH I did that too
I wish people would put their storyline rumours in the storyline rumours Forum, created specifically for them :p

Well I've imagined playing it, what it might be like, but I think the devs have enough tricks up their sleeves to make it a lot more interesting
Very true, I agree. :(

I have that feeling too. I feel like I don't care if HL2 is out or not.

Feelings are hard to put it in words. :(
Thing is you haven't played the game yet (unless you did something illegal that you shouldn't have) so playing it and experiencing it for yourself will be totally fresh. Watching the videos is nothing, going through the same locations that we already seen will still be enjoyable because you won't do it exactly like they did, what if i shoot this, or knock this over, etc. I can't wait for this game... i want it now!
i agree with madmech, we dont know what hl2's story is and im hoping it has lots of twists and turns. maybe at somepoint you have to help the combine or find out they are really trying to help us in some weird way. dont ttake this as a spoiler i have made these things up completely as an example. and since d3 stated thats its a ramake of the first doom, we essentailly know the plot.
Yes, sometimes I do feel like I can judge books by their covers; but where's the fun in that?
I don't know if I've missed something completely obvious, but I haven't worked out the storyline from the videos or screenshots.

I'm looking forwards more to how they have developed the story, rather than the gameplay itself at the moment, because one of the things I liked most about Half Life was trying to work out what was going on whilst playing. There were enough loose ends at the end of Half Life to leave plenty of story options, and there are lots of good theories on the Speculation board trying to work out which will be followed for HL2 (as well as working out the details to the original Half Life.)

Perhaps this is because I'm taking for granted that the gameplay will be good, but we shall just have to wait and see.