C.H.A.O.S needs you!


May 1, 2005
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Road to Salvation has now changed it's name to C.H.A.O.S which stands for Chemical Hazard And Origins Station and we need you!

I'm Hollywood, one of three moderators\leaders of the C.H.A.O.S, the two other leaders being VectorWX3 and Morgwin.

The mod is about zombies, well it's got zombies in it. We've come up with a system where a human npc when bitten by a zombie, that part of the body will fall off and they will become a zombie. I'm also considering having this for the player, if bitten that limb will fall off in a matter of time and become a zombie unless he finds an antidote. Were not quite sure on the story as we only started yesterday, and were not quite sure on the title as we haven't really started. This is what we need:

Web desinger: Already got one
Modeler: I'm learning how to model in a week or two, but we need someone who is experienced at modeling
Skinner: Got a skinner, need another.
GFX editor: Not quite sure on this
Sprite editor: Got one, may need another one
Assistant Moderator: Already got one
Music Artist\DJ: Possibly got one, need another one though
Concept Artist

So far this is what we need, we may need more than one person at a job also. If your interested send me an email at [email protected] or send an email to Morgwin at [email protected] or email VectorWX3 at [email protected].

PS. Our site will be up in a day or two


  • We need you for C.H.A.O.S! Final copy.jpg
    We need you for C.H.A.O.S! Final copy.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 330
Ive written alot of CS movie scripts and did some voice acting back then too. We actually filmed my moie Vengence Nazi Assault lol dont as about the name. I still have the script somwhere, if you want to see it let me know. But id be more than happy to help act or voice act for you contact me

aim iz3r
email [email protected]
ok izr you are our new voice actor if you have msn please use it and send me you msn address welcome to the team :) from morgan winter(Mod leader)
[email protected]

I also have my right hand man aka tboneman356, he is my best friend and an actor in my last movie, great voices by him too...

people say i can do exact replica voices of stitch and the stupid smeigle guy in LOTR
my movie script was all hand written, if you want i can scan it, theres no way im typing all that out lol, and i can record some voices for you i have a nice mic, just tell me waht u want to hear
great your on the team go on msn and we will talk more there welcome to CHAOS
i z 3 r said:
my movie script was all hand written, if you want i can scan it, theres no way im typing all that out lol, and i can record some voices for you i have a nice mic, just tell me waht u want to hear

Yes, that would be great. I'll send you an email of a little sample a wan't you to do.
Ok dude, it's official...your in.

PS. Something is wrong with your email, I can't send anything to it
PLease count me out of this mod. FYI so you don't waste your time. Hollywood is only 12 and morgwin is only 14. Im not flaming, I just was expecting some levels of maturity
Whoa man, just because my other team memebers are a bit young and new at this game, don't just count yourself out because I'm 20 ok.


This mod may not be about zombies anymore, i'll post the story for the public to see soon.

I don't know wtf Morgwin is doing and we need a site up so i'm asking an experienced web designer if they could make us a site please.

Web desinger: Already got one...don't know where he is so need another one.
Modeler: I'm learning how to model in about 2-3 days, but we need someone who is experienced at modeling
Skinner: Got a skinner, need another.
Mapper: Got two mappers, may need another
GFX editor: Not quite sure on this
Sprite editor: Got one, may need another one
Assistant Moderator: Already got one
Music Artist\DJ: Possibly got one, need another one though
Concept Artist
Actors\Voice Artists

So far this is what we need, we may need more than one person at a job also. If your interested send me an email at [email protected] or send an email to Morgwin at [email protected] or email VectorWX3 at [email protected].
Well, I just checked just the first page of your total posts, and it doesn't seem to me that your posts haveany higher level of maturity hollywood's posts do.
Anyway, I think I saw that CS movie, and the voice acting was pretty good, If I remember. I would suggest you DO join the mod, as it would help me not have to do voice acting, too.

BTW, hollywood, I could've sworn you said I was your concept artist.

...And it looks like you're banned. I don't know how this forum works, whether they give you custon titles or not, and whether that is one, but if it isn't, well...a pity, I'm afraid I won't be carrying on our conversation.
Sorry Que-ever, I thought you were on there as Concept Artist. Here's an updated one.

Web desinger: Already got one
Modeler: I'm learning how to model in about 2-3 days, but we need someone who is experienced at modeling
Skinner: Got a skinner, need another.
Mapper: Got two mappers, may need another
GFX editor: Not quite sure on this
Sprite editor: Got one, may need another one
Assistant Moderator: Already got one
Music Artist\DJ: Possibly got one, need another one though
Concept Artist: Got one, need another
Actors\Voice Artists
Beta Tester: Got one, don't really need more at the moment

So far this is what we need, we may need more than one person at a job also. If your interested send me an email at [email protected] or send an email to Morgwin at [email protected] or email VectorWX3 at [email protected]. I wouldn't actually send an email to Morgwin as it seems he's gone.
hello hollywood it me the real shephard m8 like what you dun with the place real grey lol
Hey guys, we really need a website badly. Hopefully someone good with moving graphics, but its really not that important anyway.We have a TEMP site up now http://www.freewebs.com/chaosmod/ but we need a proper one. If you interested, send me an email at [email protected].

EDIT: The position of web designer has now been fulfilled.

-C.H.A.O.S Team
Oh I just noticed then, can someone take iz3r's comments about me and Morgwin's age as it is false.
i z 3 r said:
PLease count me out of this mod. FYI so you don't waste your time. Hollywood is only 12 and morgwin is only 14. Im not flaming, I just was expecting some levels of maturity
Knifa coded Sourceforts by himself and he's 12 too.

I wouldn't join these mods but it's got nothing to do with age.
But I'm really not 12, Morgwin is not 14. I'd like a mod to please remove this false information.
*thinks hard* The first time I sat down to learn a programming language was when I was 12.

Physical age has nothing to do with what you can pour into a mod. Mental age counts, though. I've found that people with older attitudes tend to be more willing to actually fill in for the missing positions of their mods, and aren't willing to sit back and wait for other people to do the mod for them.

-Angry Lawyer
I'll say it again. I really am not 12, Morgwin is not 14. If a moderator is asked by a member of their board to please remove false information, I don't see why it can't be done.
I'd like to be a scripter, but I'll need some more general info though.
Ok everyone, I know this mod has been quite slow but we're starting to pick up. Right now we need some concept artists as one has his scanner broken and the other has dissapeared off the face of the earth. Email me at [email protected] if interesting in joining the mod, if you need some more info simply add me on MSN at [email protected].

EDIT: By the way, we are currently seeking a co-leader as we have kicked our current one due to inactivity.
C.H.A.O.S is set in the near future with the main charater being a man named Cameron Winter. Cameron Winter, a clouded past filled with mystery. Always having the same nightmare over and over again at night. One day, his mind will start to unlock, today...is that day. With the government after you, who is their to trust? You can't do this on your own, but who will help you, who will you trust? Eventually Cameron will be able to obtain certain powers that will upgrade in time that will give him the upper hand in battle such as possibally having an enemy glow red, then explode, having gibs going everywhere. Here is our Moddb profile if you wish to have a look: http://mods.moddb.com/5298/ and here is our forums: http://s12.invisionfree.com/OpposingShephard/index.php?

EDIT: The site is almost done, just need a concept artist to do a little something for me and it'll be up.
I liked you better in Red vs. Blue.
i guess you two got tired of age discrimination and decided to tell people you're not 12 and 14 anymore
Morgwin is no longer on the team. Think what you must about our age, I have no time for such petty arguments. If you are interested in the mod, remember to just email me or catch me on MSN.
Ennui said:
i guess you two got tired of age discrimination and decided to tell people you're not 12 and 14 anymore

Age discrimination is often right but not always. Either way, I think it sends the wrong message. Rather than pointing out people's faults, they should be guided. Being young and naive and wanting to persue a dream is not something to be ashamed of.

But I guess that's neither here nor there.
[sarcasm]wow... zombies! how original[/sarcasm]

come on now, there are enough zombie mods coming out!
I think it said on your website that you changed the whole story/setting on a whim.