C++ Programmer Needed for Adventure Game "Pravus" (Depraved)



Note: This modification may not appeal to the FPS audience but to the hardcore Adventure Gamer.

Team name: Team Ripper

Project name: Pravus (Working Title): Latin for Depraved: marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good; "depraved criminals"

Brief description:
Pravus is an Action/Adventure modification for the PC video game, Half-Life 2, aka Source Engine. The game revolves around Detecive Karl Herringway (Name Suspect to Change), who has been brought into a visious crime scene, probably the work of a serial killer. A thorough check of the crime scene shows a definate suspect, but one problem; The killer has been dead for more than one hundred years.

This project is currently in the Team Recruitment Stage. Design Document has been completed and is ready for production.

Target aim:
Freeare/Modification. We plan to produce this project and have it published through the Steam(Online Game Distribution Software).

If all else goes well, we may make a director's cut that will be sold through Steam. This is not confirmed.

This is a free project, I don't expect to give a payroll for those working on this Total Conversion for HL2.

Source Engine/HL2: All the Features of the Source Engine can be found here.
Source SDK: Written in C++

Talent needed:
Source SDK/C++ Programmer
Work involves programming interface VGUI enchancements, Physic Tweaks, Heads Up Display tweaks, gameplay/world interactions, entity creation, etc.

Team structure:
Brad Newsom (Myself): As of now, I am the leader of Pravus. On the side, I work on level design and mapping. I have been working on the idea for at least 5 months to this day.

(This is a placeholder site until we get this project rolling)

Brad Newsom (Me)
Email: [email protected]
AIM: psychogod23
YIM: psychogod23
MSN: [email protected]

(If you add me to any of the instant messaging services, please PM me through this site. Do this so I acknowledge it and get on the respecting service to speak with you)

Additional Info:
Here is a snippet/introduction of the design document/prologue:
Pravus is set in the Year 2090AD. You take the role of Detective Karl Herringway, who was called into a crime scene in New York at the TwinSnakes Five Star Hotel, while on Vacation in Austin, Texas. When Karl arrives at the scene, he is briefed on the situation. A vicious murder has occurred in the bedroom of the hotel room. A white blonde female was hung and cut in half, mutilated. Possible weapon used was a butcher knife. Fingerprints, Hair Samples, DNA were found from the suspect. An exact match of the killer was found on the database, but one problem. The murderer has been dead since 1882. This character was never accused of any crimes at all, not even murder.

Upon Detective Karl’s investigation of the hotel room, he finds a photo in the drawer right next the bed which the body was found. Within a picture frame, an copper engraving was found below the initial picture. It reads “1967”. The photo taken was of some sort of hotel room. Karl picks up the photo to get a closer look. Upon bringing it toward his face for investigation, a bright white flash overwhelmed him, and everything around him changed, as if he was teleported to the exact position of which the photo was taken. A newspaper was found right next to him. The date reads “New York Times: July 15th, 1967”. It seems Karl was teleported to the time of which the photo he found was taken. The significance of the photo still is a mystery. What happened during 1967 which caused him to arrive in this day and time? Is this a new breed of a Serial Killer?

Go on an adventure that spans across time, putting you in on a quest to discover the Motives of a new breed of Serial Killer. Investigate Crime Scenes so detailed it will put past criminal intent games to shame, if else, churn your stomach to the limit. With your mind and every object in the game world at your disposal, solve the mystery of the TwinSnakes murderer, or die trying.

The gameplay will play more like a modern adventure game with a few features taken from games like Dark Fall, Myst V, and Still Frame. You will be able to look at objects/areas that will have the player describe the object/area, manipulating the enviroment (You will be able to move objects that sometimes reveals clues or certain events), and use an inventory that will allow the player to use items that have use in the game world.

Aside from the Adventure Elements, some objects can be used as weapons, mostly guns. At some point the game, you will be confronting the antogonist. Here the FPS element will be put into affect.

The player will also be traveling through time. In each time period, certain photographs/framed art will transverse the player through time between different periods. For example, the players finds a photo that has the date 1962 on it. This object can be used to go to the time period 1962. To get back to 2090, you must look for another frame/photograph that has some sort of significance with the time period 2090. For example, while in 1962, an art piece up on the wall is also on the wall in 2090. This clue will show that you can use this object to get back to 2090.

Among other features, you will be able to interact with objects such as books, letters, tv's, radios, or anything that can be interacted with to recieve information or just to make the enviroment realistic and living.

Well.. It sounds cool and all, but I'm not really into mystery games. I probably won't be watching the progress of this mod very often.