Cabba the Rabbit

May 15, 2003
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Well, it looks like my dear bunny is going to be put down tomorrow. The antibiotics did the job of getting rid of her chest infection, but she's having trouble breathing. This could be down to a tumour in her lungs, cancer generally or pneumonia. She'd need to be sedated for an X-ray to determine what it is, and there's a 50/50 chance that she won't wake up. Even if they do know what it is, the only one they can treat is pneumonia.

She's had a great life, and been a fantastic pet.

I'll miss you Cabs AKA Cabbit, Miss Mucky Paws.
As a bunny owner myself, I can feel your loss. They are the best pets ever and I alrady lost 2 of them.

1 bunny minute silence please
The post timings on here are crazy as coconuts, CB you had an hours silence for your rabbit.
I hope they can treat it and he/she survives. If not, im sorry to hear about it, pets rule, they are our best most trust worthy, loving friends :)
;( Damn, when I read the thread title I thought it was going to be good news... losing pets sucks teh big1. Hope she pulls through.
...and rabbits are one of the most defenceless looking critters... awww
bliink said:
...and rabbits are one of the most defenceless looking critters... awww
you australians and your myxomatosis...

sorry for your loss badgy :( I remember we nursed a bunny back to health (it was attacked by a cat) back in ithaca. god that was long ago...
Bunnies make the greatest pets, may Cabba RIP. I am defintaly sorry for you loss. Its just too bad Rabbits don't seem to live for more than 5 years.

When he goes to teh bunneh heaven tell him to look out for a bunneh named Speedy. Speedy was my bunneh from about 5 years ago. I wuved him. :imu: ;(
CyberSh33p said:
you australians and your myxomatosis...

yes, but myxomatiosis didnt work, and now we have hoardes of super-rabbits that are invulnurable to it.
bliink said:
yes, but myxomatiosis didnt work, and now we have hoardes of super-rabbits that are invulnurable to it.
lol, I thought they were trying to put stronger strains in?
CyberSh33p said:
lol, I thought they were trying to put stronger strains in?

new strains/given up... its all the same down here :p
bliink said:
new strains/given up... its all the same down here :p
yeah, it'll fail, then you'll introduce the rocketpowered war turtles, and then they cause a problem, etc...
Poor poor rabbit...Sorry to hear that CB. :(
It's ok, she's going to be put down this evening.

She won't suffer. She's lived for 8 years, and hasn't showed any signs of aging until now. It's a pity, and I love her so.
awww, i feel for your loss. sometimes, it's okay for a guy to cry... losing a loved pet, is one of them times.