Cable internet not efficient.


Jun 8, 2003
Reaction score
Hi, i have a 5mb Cable connection which doesnt go as fast as it should. My average download speed is probably around 400k/s. I know it should be MUCh faster. What can i do to speed up my connection? I heard that you can somehow regulate the download speeds or something. anyways, please help. Thanks.
uhh you can try out and see if you can find any good information. But i know they have speedtests and software you can download to speed it up onyl thing sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt
The download rate is usually less than your actual connection is. My DSL is at 384 k/s and the highest I've seen my download rate is at 45 k/s.
There are probably alot of other ppl in your area that also have cable. They are taking some of your bandwidth....thats the downside of cable.
BaNDiT said:
ya, but its 5MB, and im downloading at 500kb
I thought you said it was 5Mb. :p
why in gods name do you need to download any faster.
Downloads can only go as fast as the rate that the information is being uploaded...
It isn't a big deal.
Your cable bandwidth is 5 mbit /sec.
Your download rate is in MByte / sec.
8 bits = 1 Byte

5*1024=5120 kbits / sec
5120/8=640 KBytes / sec.

That isn't too far off from your 400KB/s although it is a little under. Probably just the route and not your connection.
h4vvok said:
Downloads can only go as fast as the rate that the information is being uploaded...

Try downloading Quicktime from apple as I know their servers are always very quick.

I'm getting 350KB/sec (2.73mb/sec) right now and my cable connetion is a 3mbps line.