Caliber Mapping Update



Caliber is a "fast-paced First Person Shooter team oriented mod" that plans to transcend the usual FPS boundary's by combining the best aspects of FPS, RPG, and RTS. Through previous udpates, Caliber has shown tremendous progress and promise. Tonight they have released four new shots of one of their maps.[br]

[br]To learn more about the fascinating world of Caliber, just click this link.
I like the mood it's portraying, but I don't like the lighting, Source's downfall.
"I like to see screenshots of that... Caliber"

See, it's funny because it refers both to the quality of the screenshots and the fact that the mod is actually called Caliber!


They may want to change the name of the mod just in case anyone makes that painfully bad pun again :/

Anyway, looks nice enough. I agree that the textures are a bit low res and the Lighting far from amazing, but yeah, the "mood" is right.
Silly lighting and only decent textures, but good design and it looks fun as hell.
Nice design bad textures as mentioned and not the greatest lighting but still good effect
If they utilized HDR in those screen I'm pretty sure that id splooj my pants looking at them, oh and that hole in the ceiling showing the sky could use some volmetric light coming out of it.
yadalogo said:
If they utilized HDR in those screen I'm pretty sure that id splooj my pants looking at them, oh and that hole in the ceiling showing the sky could use some volmetric light coming out of it.
You read my mind, i was gonna say the same thing, HDR would make this game.
Those screenshots look like a high-poly version of the original Half-Life.

Or maybe it's just Source . . .
Looks to me like someone wasn't playing on very high settings, and then did a very bad job of compressing the images.
looks alright and the textures dont seem much worse than what shipped with HL2 when you were close to walls ect. In the 3rd pic its a bit weird to see pillars comming out of the painting in the floor. Surely the interior designer needs to be fired for doing that.

Some of the redish colours remind me of some of the Quake 3 maps, as does the architecture (alot of arches and the like).
Yes HDR would make our mod come back to life, and possibly we could do that for screenshots of maps only, but concider this :

We can't utilize HDR for general shots mainly because 90% of everyone who owns a computer today can't really use HDR without it blowing up.

If we show you guys images of maps with HDR, then you'll expect that same quality with lighting. If that becomes the case, and we give you maps with HDR, you'll thing is crap, and we're boned from a community.

We're going to start making our own textures soon. All of us working at Caliber are affiliated with NSA Games as Caliber is a bi-product of NSA Games. NSA Games isn't out yet, mainly because we're pulling more weight than before to try and finish it. Trust me, during the summer, you'll see an array of widely improved maps, models, and gameplay.

HDR will make ur computer explode? Have you ever played Gary's mod?
Not really, but then again I'm also speaking with a radeon 9600, where it can only run everything on medium.

Thanks for all this positive input, we'll work our very best to impress you with our next media release. Trust me, it'll blow you all away ;)
"Full" HDR isnt possible in HL2 engine yet untill lost coast is finished and the new sdk elements are released. Gary's mod doesnt use HDR it uses a "Bloom" effect.