Call me crazy, but I can't help anticipating..


Gundam Guru

Duke Nukem Forever. For some strange reason, I'm looking foward to this game more than any other PC game. Its kind of strange considering that theres been little to no info on the game in years, no screenshots, and no showing at E3. Yet still, I can't wait to see this game hopefully at this years e3, also if it is shown I want it to blow any and every game at e3 away with it's story, graphics, and gameplay. If it doesn't with 7-8 years of developement, then it wasn't worth the wait. So does anyone feel the same way I feel about DNF or has everyone given up hope in Duke?
i honestly hate duke nukem. not the game, not the developers, i HATE duke nukem. he is the ultimate self-loving asshole. i bought manhattan project from HMV for £2 in the sale (yes u heard me right- £2) And its rather fun. im half way through it, and i have all the nukes on each level i have completed- but im kindof saving it for a rainy day, so to speak.

DNF looks quite good, actually. mind you, i saw an old video and the graphics are awful... i mean half-life graphics. mind you, the will have improved it by now. What i want is a game where you have to fight duke nukem... AND SMEAR HIS BRAINS- ALONG WITH HIS ATTITUDE- ON THE WALLS OF HIS MOTHERS HOUSE!!!
First of all, what the hell does "mind you" mean?! Second, Duke is an OK game. Sure, I will get DNF, but reluctantlay.
"mind you" means the same thing as "besides". its a common phrase in the English language.
Thanks. I see it a lot in British books and here.
I don't think I'll buy it. I was never a fan of Duke's overly macho assholish image :E
duke nukem is the cheese-meister supreme. i think he's a bit of a knob as well, but i'd rather play as someone who says even half-way funny stuff as opposed to two-dimensional mtv presenter types (read: DX:IW). yeah so Duke is a two-dimensional character too...but he's fun in a dorky teenage sort of way. mind you (that phrase again), i can't imagine the original Duke Nukem having the same charm if he'd been silent or said less dorkish comments.

anyway, when it comes out, i'll buy it, play it, and flame 3drealms on their message boards regardless of it's quality.
sorry, i just thought that was a vital addition to the conversation.
dont look at me like that- someone had to say it...
they should make a mod for a fighting game where you take on (and play as) characters from video games. Trouble is- what fighting games are there for the PC? Anyway, id love to kick Dukes ass by solid snakes fist- hell, even pikachu would do as long as Duke nukem is lying in a pool of his own blood. have to understand that Duke was conceived of in a time when FPS characters didn't have personalities (or even names often). So the goal with him was just to make some with any personality, even if it was somewhat annoying.
Now that times are changing, I'd expect to see Duke as a slightly more fleshed out, or at least funnier and less irratating character.
That said I think you're bonkers for anticipating it, its some kind of depraved masochism.
Anyone seen my gum?
Yeah, if the game remains with the original DNF story, I think Duke will take the situation more seriously, but he will still say hot things like, "Its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum and I'm all outta gum". That was one of the best lines I ever heard in playing games. Anyway back to the subject, I want DNF to have the best graphics, gameplay, and a refined story of any shooter that will be available in 2004. If nothing is shown at E3, I'll finally believe that DNF has been cancelled. I mean 3D Realms needs to jump on the bandwagon and get on the good foot and get serious, at least let gamers who are intrested in your product that it's still undergoing developement and not cancelled. There are tons of promising shooters comin out and if 3D Realms can't get wit da pogram DNF won't be one of them
I think Duke is a great Games character. And with his macho physique and cheesy (but fun to listen to) quips it just makes it even more better. His character is a bit sexist - but isn't that really the point? Anyway, it's always fun to play as Duke.