Call Of Cthulhu Creepiest Game Ever?


Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Has Anyone else played this game?Seriously it's f***ed up.It's the only game that has got my into shock and made me not play the game for the rest of the day.Shame on those people who say DOOM 3 Was the scariest game.Dark Corners of the earth is The most awesomely creepy game.I think everyone should play this game and then rant about it.RANT
I've only seen videos on it and it seems to be like those few games that actually try and use real terror, i.e. making the player feel paranoid with creepy atmospheric sounds, instead of the overused OMG.IN.YOUR.FACE Doom 3-esque.
From what I played it was crap, felt like a port.
The game seem fantastic, though I too never finished it because of the annoying stealth sections.
It did get my heart racing in places.
Especially when everyone was chasing you through the hotel D:

But I never go a chance to finish it either :(
Looks like a damn unique game. I thought about buying this for a while but never did.
It did get my heart racing in places.
Especially when everyone was chasing you through the hotel D:

But I never go a chance to finish it either :(

hehe the hotel part was awsome

I recomend it, its not exactly omfg awsome but better that varios other due that its variated and is kind long in my opinion

havent finished cuz game wasnt mine
Not a bad game, and Condemned is creepier.

I fully agree with you. Condemned:Criminal Origins was an amazingly creepy game IMHO.

Another game I thought was creepy a decade or so past, was the original AVP.

Never played the game that the original post is about.

Oh yeah, Condemned scared the crap outa me. So many scary bits, and although the second one wasnt as creepy, there is one scene that was terrifyingly brilliant (those who have played know what I am talking about).
I thought Dark Corners of the Earth was inspired at points, but a few flaws really dragged it down. You might check out Eternal Darkness too, its older now but pulls from much of the same source material.
The game was an awful piece of buggy crap; not even remotely creepy. It was a real disgrace to Lovecraft.
Jeeze, I just finished the first Condemned... no more sleep for me.... D:
/Shrug I wouldn't go that far. Good yes, ****ed up? No, not for me at least.

It still makes me tingle with laughter anytime some kid mentions how scary Doom 3 was. Then sometimes I want to outright cry.

Oh come on, nobody can say that the very first time they played Doom 3 that they didn't jump once.

Either that or I'm just a pussy, although admittedly any game can make me jump if I'm caught off guard. D:
Hmm, I jumped probably once playing Doom 3, but really it didnt scare me all that much.
Oh come on, nobody can say that the very first time they played Doom 3 that they didn't jump once.

Nope, didn't jump once. There was nothing chilling or creepy about Doom 3; it was cheap, boring horror.
I'm not even going to try and lie and say that DOOM 3 never scared me. However, it was stupid monster movie scary and nothing that actually stuck with you. Once you know that the enemy is there, its not scary at all.

FEAR (especially towards the beginning) gets some props for having some seriously scary moments. Even Resident Evil had a few good points where what you thought was a static environment like a hallway all of a sudden isn't, and something jumps through the window at you.
Silent Hill 2 is the creepiest game I have ever played. It is the only game (that I can recall) that I cannot play with the lights off. Awesome atmosphere. CoC was spooky though and thoroughly packed with suspense in parts. A well-done game that didnt get much recognition at all.
CoC is a great game, I finished it too, disappointing ending...

But overall its good, its got its problems, but its highly under, underrated.
System Shock is a creepy damn game. Playing a Human in AVP2 really scared the hell outta me as well.
If it's creepier than Silent Hill 2 that's impressive. That game was one of the scariest experiences of my life.

Oh come on, nobody can say that the very first time they played Doom 3 that they didn't jump once.

Either that or I'm just a pussy, although admittedly any game can make me jump if I'm caught off guard. D:
It made me jump, but it didn't really scare me. I mean, obviously for the half second after the imp jumps out at me I'm scared but then I just shoot it in the face. The atmosphere is dull and the scares just get dull after less than a half hour. By the time I got the plasma rifle I was too bored to keep playing.
I only got scared in DOOM 3 at the beginning when I din't know what to expect, but soon after that I got used to the "scare tactics" and the environment just got boring. Even though I tried twice, I haven't beaten the game even once.
As for SH2, like all the Silent Hill games the atmosphere is incredibewly well-developed and creepy as ****. Pyramid Head is one of the freeakiest game characters ever.
I must scare easily. Doom 3 scared me, AVPII scared me, F.E.A.R. scared me, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. scared me... Silent Hill 2? I played half a level and uninstalled that thing. The other games mentioned here I still play regularly. They don't scare me as much, but I still get goose bumps.

This Lovecraft-themed game sounds fun. What engine is it on? New release? (yeah, yeah... I'll Google it in a minute).
The Ravenholm section of hl2 was awesomly creepy and atmospheric.
Penumbra Black Plague was kind of scary - mainly because of the voice inside your head and the total absence of weapons, leaving you with no way to defend yourself ...
I have a confession to make. I liked Doom 3. Quite much in fact. It scared me a shitload of **** in the beginning but slowly became a bit dull and in the end not scary at all (although the Mancubus still make me a bit uneasy - hate that roar).
Doom 3 was fun for about 20 minutes.

There was some very nice tech going on in D3. I particularly liked the opening scene in that the intro is actually taking place in game via the screen. It's become old hat now, but the in game interactive screen interfaces were ahead of their time. The game itself didn't particularly grip me though and I gave up just before delta labs. I did reinstall it again recently to see how it looked with all the bells and whistles on and I have to say the actual character models leave a lot to be desired. I think Rage should be worth a look though.