Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare vs. Call of Duty: World At War

CoD 5 v CoD: WaW

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I enjoyed both of them, and considering I played COD4 until it became stale, COD5 was a welcome change. I'll be quite bored of it soon but it's 20 or so further ranks means there's alot more stuff that takes a longer to unlock, whereas in COD4 it wasn't long before overpowered weapons were brought to the field. Tanks are nice, too.

I'm not sure which singleplayer I prefer. COD4's wasn't anything that special if I'm honest, so I dunno.
I've played it and it sucks, really. You're better off playing CoD2 if you want to play a good WW2 CoD that isn't WaW.
Huh? Call of Duty 3 was the worst by far. Call of Duty 4 had a better singleplayer than WaW, more memorable missions. WaW had some pretty great ones, like the sniper mission, but most of them were too standard. In CoD4 there was the gunship, Pripyat, the nuke scene and the whole lead up to it, the ending... lots of really great stuff that really raised the bar. WaW feels a lot like CoD2, it's good, but lacks the awe that I felt when playing CoD1 and CoD4. It's a little too predictable. And CoD4 has a much more engaging story than any of the other ones, mostly because it wasn't WWII, so you don't know how it's going to end. Plus, there are quite a few unexpected outcomes for many of the characters, namely that
everyone dies except for Soap
. As for multiplayer, you can go either way, WaW is pretty much a reskin of CoD4, even most of the balance problems are still there. They've added vehicles in few maps, though, which I'm not a fan of. The tanks are crazy overpowered; there isn't a single character build that has enough firepower to take one out.
You already have WaW... so get CoD4 obviously.
Unless you want WW2 then get COD1+UO, incredible gaming experiences to be had on Base Assault.
I don't even know who they are now.
I had a teacher called Roebuck, but I doubt Reflex would know that.
I liked World at War better because nobody else liked it more than Modern Warfare, and i'm a non-conformist.

Some day I may even play it.
I remember the name Soap, but nothing else about him or any of the characters.
Never played WaW so I can't compare the two.

Oh look Samon's played around with a poll again, how hilarious.

And does anybody else see the 2,300 votes for neither?
WaW sucked imo. 4 is better.
Also, rigged poll.

Obviously Samon's fault!
Incase anyone hasn't noticed Samon rigged the poll because he hates most things on this earth.
I've only played 4 very briefly a while ago so I can't really judge it at all, but I've played through WaW recently and it was a great game, I don't get all the hate for it at all

It seems nobody likes it just because it's so similar to 4

I get this error message?
I know. Wolfenstein is full of hackers and it uses PB.
Fixed the poll, it's kind of silly to interfere with polls unless it's some gimmick that nobody really cares about in the first place.

COD4 was far, far better than WaW, but WaW is still entertaining WWII FPS singleplayer, even if it's not on the same level as 4 or as the campaigns in 1 and 2.