Call of Duty: Black Ops


Formerly Hokey McSmokey
Nov 29, 2008
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Call of Duty: Black Ops is an upcoming 2010 first-person shooting video game developed by Treyarch and published by Activision for release on November 9, 2010. Officially announced on April 30, 2010, it was unveiled alongside the game's debut trailer on GameTrailers TV Episode 310. The game is the seventh installment of the Call of Duty series and the third in the series to be developed by Treyarch after Call of Duty 3 and Call of Duty: World at War. It's previous name was "Call of Duty: Vietnam".

Players take the role of a Black Ops operative who will be involved in missions behind enemy lines. Missions will take place in a variety of locations, including Cuba, the Arctic, and Vietnam.

The game was first officially unveiled when the official site for the game went live prior to the release on the game's reveal trailer on April 30, 2010. Along with the site, a blog was also uploaded which contained an official announcement of the game by Treyarch which was dated April 29, 2010 a day prior to the game's unveiling. In May 2009, publisher Activision was rumored to be looking for licensing regarding Vietnam War-era music which led to speculation that Call of Duty 7 would be set in Vietnam. In February 2010, a casting call for Call of Duty 7 led to speculation that the game would be taking place during the Cold War era with some battles taking place in South Vietnam. In early April 2010, Activision released a teaser site for the game whose address had to be revealed through a word cipher from a brown envelope sent to various gaming news publication via mail.

Too lazy to find individual links. Thank you, wiki.
CoD's SP was always much more appealing to me, and I'm looking forward to this one. Treyarch did a great job with WaW.

INB4 hate storm.
I am frankly tired of all the war games out there now. This just clutters up the landscape. There are other much more interesting titles to look forward to.
It doesn't come out until the end of the year anyways. I'm way more interested in RDR at the moment.

Oh lord, those sweet, sweet animations.

I'll wait for reviews from the more reliable sources before i plunk down another $60
Wasn't thee a rumor they're were going to make a sci-fi call of duty?
You may be thinking of the the Call of Duty: Future Warfare rumor.

Edit: Which I guess would be sci-fi.
That's why they made Modern Warfare.

Well, at least you were actually fighting in a fictional war. What could they possibly do for "Black Ops"? A bunch of stealthy missions mashed into a game? I guess that wouldn't be so bad but... Treyarch :x
...And thats your opinion. Personally, if I could play either of the two games, I wouldn't play W@W. I just didn't like it for some reason. Also, I think Call of Duty 4 was better than both MW2 and W@W. Again, my opinion. But I think I'm about done with these games. I'm starting to realize how awful they are.
^ lets just say I played W@W twice through and MW2 only once.

they should imo, have Infinity Ward make a Multiplayer only game, with lets say 30 maps, and a shitload of modes, and Treyarch make a singleplayer only game with a longer story and more time to finish
Tbh, I was talking about MP. I liked the SP of W@W better than MW2s, but the multiplayer was worse for W@W.
I'd have to agree that COD4 beat them both. W@W has been done to death, but the actual MP felt more balanced then MW2 (****ing deathstreaks and killstreak rewards are cheap as hell)
MW2 had a very dumb and not all that fun SP story. WaW easily bested it. CoD4 was actually a really damn good game.

Black Ops will probably have a better SP than MW2 and WaW ... which will make it worth playing. These games are just rentals though.
There are always new ones to come :naughty:
And if you think the storyline for CoD is crap, just wait till you're playing through this one....:|
At least you can be assured that the AI is going to be pretty good.

Take it with a grain of salt, because "unnamed sources" are almost always bullshit. But if it's true, it would be great news.

And yeah, Treyarch's games have never been as good as IW's best. But they have never been as bad as IW's worst. To be fair, I haven't played CoD 3 apart from the demo, but I can't really see it being as shitty as MW2.
Just saw the video. I was looking for it earlier for my first post, but couldn't find it. Looks like CoD, that's for sure. Man, I wish I wasn't a sucker for these types of games. D;
Took some screen caps, I like what I see so far.
























It pains me to say it but that actually looked kinda good
i'm hesitant to get excited. i remember the first MW2 quick-flash-edit videos and how they were nothing like the actual game. cut-scenes for the most part, or scripted sequences.

i'll keep an eye on it, mind, but still.
The setting gives them a lot of freedom, which is nice. It will be interesting to see how the multiplayer will work.
i'm hesitant to get excited. i remember the first MW2 quick-flash-edit videos and how they were nothing like the actual game. cut-scenes for the most part, or scripted sequences.

i'll keep an eye on it, mind, but still.

There were cut scenes in MW2?
my bad, wrong use of words. not cut-scenes but the out-of-body actions that you had to watch that replaced cutscenes. floating cam whilst you were in a helicopter in COD4, or in that little underwater transport thing and whatever else.
I guess I was the only one that saw nothing but random explosions and people running around?
Looks like it'll be another unimaginative game catering to the lowest common denominator. Yawn.