Call of Duty: Black Ops

Wow, you really are a long time lurker, first time poster.
I'll see where this is going before making my mind; But I'm hoping that you don't parachute from the ass of the SR71, that would totally ruin the day, both for me and the character ingame.

Why hasn't anyone done work on the Korean War, you know the one that started in the 50's and hasn't officially ended?
I'll see where this is going before making my mind; But I'm hoping that you don't parachute from the ass of the SR71, that would totally ruin the day, both for me and the character ingame.

Why hasn't anyone done work on the Korean War, you know the one that started in the 50's and hasn't officially ended?
It's all about wailing trumpets and explosions and WAR HEROES YEARGH and death defying feats these days.
Thinks its safe to say that both MW2 and this are basically just taking examples from a Micheal Bay film. How has CoD come from the mastery of the first game to this? MW1 was actually very good I thought, both in single player and multiplayer, seems to have been turned into a joke series now, hijacked to entertain the mainstream crowds of the 360 so the publishers can make a fat load of cash in the process. Seems to be a regular trend actually, Splinter Cell has also been destroyed just to appease a mainstream audience.
I'm going to make a call to Clint Eastwood, maybe he can sort this shit out!

****ing christ, are they serious? "In a worrrrrrld... where everything you know is a lie." You mean like the fact that this game looks like every other phoned-in engine hijack Treyarch has gotten away with since they were let into the CoD fold? Welp I guess I'll go pre-order a copy then a hurf-de-derp-de-durr.

All they need is the previews guy.

Have to say, I have absolutely NO hype for this game. Its just going to be MW2 all over again.

Have to say, I have absolutely NO hype for this game. Its just going to be MW2 all over again.


Exactly. I've been feeling like a bit of a goose 'cos I was one of the fanboys jumping up & down screaming 'MW2' at anyone who'd listen. *shudders*

CoD sucks.
New? That's the exact same bullshit as the first trailer, except now with 100% more shitty Eminem slapped on it.

Looks like the exact same shit as MW, except now with Treyarch's shitastic touch.
You sound frustrated. A game that you don't care about, a game you wont ever play upsets you. And Treyarch isn't even that bad. You probably heard someone say "TREYARCH MAKES A SHITTY FPS" and decided to bandwagon. I honestly don't see the problem.

The trailer was meh, i'll give you that.
The only game in recent memory they've made that's good was Spider-Man 2. F*cking hell I enjoyed that game. Then they made Call of Duty 3 and World At War, which were dicks. That said, I'll end up playing the game anyway.
CoD 3 was shit, but I actually enjoyed WaW.
To befair there was one part I remember from WaW I enjoyed. The Battle of Peleliu when the beach got bombed to hell and all the wounded soldiers crawled around with missing limbs. The fight leading up to the fort type thing was fun too. Everything else to me just seemed really bad. I could be very wrong about Black Ops I mean, but I just don't have much faith in it. We'll see though.
People only really say Treyarch are ***t because they think World at War wasnt as good as MW, and CoD 3 wasnt as good as CoD 2 (which was seriously hard to beat).

They used the same engine for god sake, it was the same game underneath, just different scenarios and scripted events in corridors. Much like MW2.

I dont hate the games themselves that much, just the developer's attitudes to making money regardless of how crap they make their game. I mean come on, MW2 wasnt THAT good.