Cambodia, where it's frigging hot


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
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So, for the past 4 days I've been in Cambodia, with my family, in part to celebrate my sister's acceptance into university and whatnot...

And yeah, pictures that I'd like to share with you guys. :D

Pol Pot, and the Killing Fields

Now, according to the guide, Pol Pot was one evil son of a b*tch. He wiped out a quarter of the entire country's population, tortured too many people and... stuff.

Those are skulls of the victims inside. I was told that it was a some kind of a shrine to the victims.


We didn't stay around for much though, and then we moved on to

Stones, more stones, and shitloads of stones

The ancient Cambodians had a king, and whoever he was, had so much time on his hands that he built those huge, gigantic temples of stone and (thanks to the French during the 1930s) concrete, with intricate drawings carved on every single frigging wall.

It got boring after a while. Sure, it's nice to see such fine works of art, but it got too repeteive and the guide reminded me of my modern history teacher.

The stone... whatever that is


These were carved into every single (inner) wall. Had something to do with the Ramayana but I forget.


The temple(s) and the so-called stairs

What the hell were these ancient people thinking when they built the stairs? Those are not stairs. Those are walls. Walls that you have to climb using all of your limbs. Whoever designed the stairs most have been either a really really thin person or an asshole.

And I'm betting on the asshole.

This is one of the better ones

Tomb raider-esque temple site.\
It reminds you of Tomb Raider because it was where the movie was shot. :p


I have way more photos but I'm going to have to post the rest later on because hosting images is kinda tiring....

The boats
On the third day, the guide took us to the river, and there were boats, motor powered but extremely crude. Whoever built it was probably a genius. The boat in itself was a perpetual motion machine made out of wood (although it looked like it wouldn't move 10 meters), and the engine was a toyota camry's one ripped straight off. The transmission was nothing but a car's steering wheel linked to chains. The guy had somehow wired a gear stick for acceleration and a radio powered by a car battery. But what was more astounding happened when we were in the water, at least a hundred meters from shore:

(taken with my cell phone)

Holy. Mother. Of. God. How the hell did she get this far?


Then she said to us, "one dollar please!" in near perfect Korean.

We gave it to her. She waved goodbye and left, rowing for the shore. We sat in our seats, profoundly stirred by her sheer willpower that enabled her to seek out our US dollars.

(will post part two later on)
Cool. I am Cambodian myself and have visited the motherland when I was 16. It is very hot, humid nasty, sticky gooey hot. It was like that when I visited during the peak of summer in the states(August) and it was the rainy season as they say(right before winter) over there and it was way hot.

The general area with the stone temples is known as Angkor Wat, I don't know about that skull collection thingy.
you celebrate your sisters graduation by visiting the killing fields? truely are a strange person Numbers ..I should be thankful there's no pics of soldiers getting beaten by poorly armed peasants like you usually post ...but I'm not
you celebrate your sisters graduation by visiting the killing fields? truely are a strange person Numbers ..I should be thankful there's no pics of soldiers getting beaten by poorly armed peasants like you usually post ...but I'm not

No, we visited Cambodia, which isn't exactly the same as the Killing Fields, but whatever. We went there on a pakage tour.

Reminds me a little of Sri Lanka. Hot, crazy ruins etc.
that one whit the white hat waving the hand to the camera is you?

and you should come to maracaibo,where every store have air conditioner and everyone is under a shadow
I want pics of Numbers! LOL @ STERN btw haha
you celebrate your sisters graduation by visiting the killing fields? truely are a strange person Numbers ..I should be thankful there's no pics of soldiers getting beaten by poorly armed peasants like you usually post ...but I'm not

Gg Stern, he's just being a tourist, wait until he actually SAYS something weird and nationalistic before springing to the attack.

If anybody gives a damn I might share some China photoes I just took, but to be honest China was just one big hazy smog.
If anybody gives a damn I might share some China photoes I just took, but to be honest China was just one big hazy smog.

If there's anything I love more than hazy smog, it's pictures of hazy smog.
Gg Stern, he's just being a tourist, wait until he actually SAYS something weird and nationalistic before springing to the attack.

If anybody gives a damn I might share some China photoes I just took, but to be honest China was just one big hazy smog.


anyways my implication was that I wanted to see more photos of police bashing peasant head (and being set on fire/beaten with large bamboo poles'd think the police would have wised up and confiscated bamboo poles before the protest)
Is it true that there are more scooters in Cambodia then cars?
You just dont see buildings like that any more, pure architectural beauty.

Paradise ftw.
Interesting post, thanks for the temple pictures! and lol at that kid in the.. bucket?
So you been to school
For a year or two
And you know youve seen it all
In daddys car
Thinkin youll go far
Back east your type dont crawl

Play ethnicky jazz
To parade your snazz
On your five grand stereo
Braggin that you know
How the ******s feel cold
And the slums got so much soul

Its time to taste what you most fear
Right guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear

Its a holiday in cambodia
Its tough, kid, but its life
Its a holiday in cambodia
Dont forget to pack a wife

Youre a star-belly sneech
You suck like a leach
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch
So you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you

Well youll work harder
With a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day
Slave for soldiers
Till you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake

Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
What you need, my son.

Is a holiday in cambodia
Where people dress in black
A holiday in cambodia
Where youll kiss ass or crack

Pol pot, pol pot, pol pot, pol pot, etc.

And its a holiday in cambodia
Where youll do what youre told
A holiday in cambodia
Where the slums got so much soul
that one whit the white hat waving the hand to the camera is you?

and you should come to maracaibo,where every store have air conditioner and everyone is under a shadow

Yeah, it is. :D

And yes, definately. Next time, perhaps we could go to somewhere that is able to produce electricity.


anyways my implication was that I wanted to see more photos of police bashing peasant head (and being set on fire/beaten with large bamboo poles'd think the police would have wised up and confiscated bamboo poles before the protest)

Sure, why not?



Is it true that there are more scooters in Cambodia then cars?

Yeah. Bloody motorbikes all over the place.

Anyway, back to cambodia....

This was the only old man that I saw in Cambodia; all the others are dead.

I was really surprised at how everything seemed to reproduce in huge numbers. Even the dogs and cats were all pregnant.
Yeah, I was there in the autumn of 2006. Was really awesome.
Cambodia, where things in half life come into reality (crude vehicles)

(proves stereotype that Asians are smarter)
That's basically like saying "25 cents please"

I'd be funny when they think the dollar's still worth something and all it is is paper shit.
A family lives off a dollar a day.
not in America. and if it collapses here, won't it collapse there. I'm no economist, just a thought.
Well, maybe, but probably not, because those guys don't seem to use their own currency, but use the USD for everything within themselves.