Camera Mounts on all your friends

Originally posted by LoneDeranger
I'm still hoping somebody would make a mod with a missile-mounted camera. Please .. ? :(

That was in UT (or UT2k3?:-) ). You could even contrlol the rocket.
Ok, I was just watching the e3 tech demo bit with the input/output room and a thought occurred to me. Freeman goes round the BACK of that little cctv camera and then points it at stuff before firing it into the screen, correct?
What if he'd simply gone round the front? Would he then be able to see himself on screen? Granted, you'd probably see more of the manipulator than Freeman, but still.
Does anyone know what would happen?
Originally posted by El_Chi
Ok, I was just watching the e3 tech demo bit with the input/output room and a thought occurred to me. Freeman goes round the BACK of that little cctv camera and then points it at stuff before firing it into the screen, correct?
What if he'd simply gone round the front? Would he then be able to see himself on screen? Granted, you'd probably see more of the manipulator than Freeman, but still.
Does anyone know what would happen?

Hmm, interesting. I guess this brings up the proverbial "can we see Gordon in the game" question again.
Originally posted by Xtasy0
It's surprisingly easy to setup a camera and monitor in this fashion. At the moment, there is a restriction that there may not be two cameras in the same area, but you could certainly have multiple cameras covering different areas. I could see the "waiting area" of such a mod resembling a sports bar with big-screen TVs. Now there's an idea...

Ok, optimistic look on things here but i had a thought that what MIGHT be ment by this qoute and the highlighted area is that there cant be more than one camera attached in a "hierachical area" (or whatever it is) i.e. more than one camera on a persons head.

I cant see why the engine would crash out if that if two cameras were in the "same area" so this is just pure speculation
Originally posted by El_Chi
Ok, I was just watching the e3 tech demo bit with the input/output room and a thought occurred to me. Freeman goes round the BACK of that little cctv camera and then points it at stuff before firing it into the screen, correct?
What if he'd simply gone round the front? Would he then be able to see himself on screen? Granted, you'd probably see more of the manipulator than Freeman, but still.
Does anyone know what would happen?
I guess we would see the same as when we look into reflective water :P

But Gordon is probably a big "?" in the game. (like "censored" in postal2 :P)
Dile, that only happens when you let your zipper down to take a leak. You will probably be able to see Gordon in HL2. You could in HL1 if you activated the 3rd-person camera.
Dile, that only happens when you let your zipper down to take a leak. You will probably be able to see Gordon in HL2. You could in HL1 if you activated the 3rd-person camera. No reason why you can't do that in HL2.