Camera shy


Apr 26, 2006
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In my on going crusade for all achievements (I'm a perfectionist D: ) I am having difficulty with the camera shy achievement in portal.
I know you use portals to knock them off the walls however:
1) There are cameras before you ge the portal that cannot be revisited
2) Some cameras are on "un-portable" walls.

So how do I get these? Or have i just missed some of the ones on the portalble walls?

EDIT: OH BTW, I can get about 25 cameras in total out of 33.
iv got the same problem, only whenever i portal them of the wall, i dont get the exp. i just get GLaDOS telling me off and no "one down".
Some you cannot get. The achievement only includes ones you can get. I'm stuck on 32/33 though.
i was able to get 33/33, you might have missed one in the very first room u get the portal gun (blue), theres 3. otherwise look everywhere. ignore the non-portalbe wall cameras.
i was able to get 33/33, you might have missed one in the very first room u get the portal gun (blue), theres 3. otherwise look everywhere. ignore the non-portalbe wall cameras.

Ah, that might be what I'm missing. Thanks.
i looked very hard, i still only find 30/33, i (now) know that its pointless to go for the camera's that are on non portable walls but ive done this like 8 times and i still just get 30. can any one help? what am i missing?
just to help (a little)

this is how many cameras you should have knocked down on each level

Ch-01: none
Ch-02: 3
Ch-03: 6
Ch-04: 8
Ch-05: 11
Ch-06: none
Ch-07: none
Ch-08: none
Ch-09: none
Ch-10: 12
Ch-11: 13
Ch-12: none
Ch-15: 21
Ch-16: 26
Ch-17: 28
Ch-18: 30
Ch-19: 33

hope this helps (if any cares)
^ I found a similar list invaluable when I did this achievement.
Nice upload ^^ That could come in handy for new Portal players.
I think I got 31 before reaching the party. That pissed me off.
I was trying to go for the 33 again, but still only ended up with 25... Grrr...and I was looking really really hard! Oh, well, I'll attempt it again another day. Meh!
I am having a problem with the Camera Shy achievement also. I'm running Portal from the Orange Box that I bought on Steam. I am in the last room in test chamber 18 (the one with all the multi-level platforms) and, at this point, I have destroyed 29 cameras. When I get to this room and take this camera off the wall, the game will not give me credit for it. I am still showing only 29 cameras.

Does anyone know why this is happening? What can I do to get credit for this camera?
I tend to miss quite a few (I've gotten about 27), but I don't know where to find the others. Any tricky spots?
ive actually gotten this achievment on my first try, just taking a few quick scans around the area and if i see a camera on a portalable wall, i get rid of it, pretty simple for me
i have a problem with that same achievment, but instead every time i take a camera off, it says i have 0 cameras off! i also bought the orange box