can anyone not connect to steam?


Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
i can't. don't know why it even asked me for my password, but when i enter it, i get "could not connect to steam network." anyone else having any problem?
I'm connecting just fine. Don't know what your problem could be.
Connected, but it took the longest I've ever seen to connect.
went to retrieve lost account and steam tells me my account name doesn't exist :eek:
aerasal said:
went to retrieve lost account and steam tells me my account name doesn't exist :eek:

yea i just did that too and same thing. wtf is steam doing
This better not be a denial of service attack by hackers. I don't want to lose my account.
Dude wtf. Mine's not workin!
It says it can't connect to the network. I hope to God it's not haxxors DoSing Steam. I payed for Gold!
i cannot connect either...steam update page is 3 hours behind after almost hourly reports...i'd say it was STEAM.
for the ppl saying theirs is fine...log out and log back in
verified that STEAM knows my CD key, and the UID associated with it. Even got the reply mail. Seems the authentication servers are down, as when i try to reset password, it says there isn't one.
7hoR said:
for the ppl saying theirs is fine...log out and log back in
and then not be able to connect...maybe they've fixed/are fixing the warez issue?
was able to reset pswd just now...seems all is in order now.
NOW mine works again, i was lookin at the steam forums and apparently the verification server or somethin was down but its all fixed now
I tried to retrieve lost account info, but no e-mail has arrived yet.(10 min later)
yeah, look at the steam status page - something got borked, and a lot of people got kicked
im kinda late, but every since steam came out, i sometimes cant connect for an hour or so. It happens maybe once a month for me. Just thought id let you know that it has happened to me, and I dont think its a big deal :p
Mine is fine. Don't be worried this is Valve's problem. And what ever it is they will fix it.
I remember that about 12 hours ago, Steam reported some kind of an exceptional error on my PC. It was weird, talking about something like 0x12e45 and stuff...