Can anyone supply with me with a gravity jump script?

  • Thread starter MasterLeviathan
  • Start date


I was wondering if there were any scripts for the gravity jump. I'm getting tired of having to switch to page down every time I feel like messing around with it.

Thanks in advance.
Try binding it to your mousewheel, instead.

Mine has Mwheelup for it, so I can jump going mwheeldown then go upwards really easily.

Allows me to grav jump whenever I want without any setting-up time(taking a while to go to pg-down key).
alias waitlong "wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait"
alias +superjump "use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack; waitlong; use weapon_crowbar; use weapon_stunstick; wait; use weapon_physcannon; +attack"
alias -superjump "-attack"
bind ins "+superjump"
That's mine, works pretty well. Also useful for flinging cars and other heavy things around. I have it bound to insert, change it to whatever key you want
I hope Valve fixes the time for how fast you can switch back to the gravity gun after you have already switched to it so it can't be exploited. That day will be just as good as the day when the crouch/hitbox bug got fixed :)
ComradeBadger said:
I'd consider this borderline cheating.

I suppose it does give an unfair advantage to people who are not using scripts ( i do a grav grenade throw the manual way, but was decimated yesterday by a guy running a script to automate this, and he was bragging about it.)

I wouldnt say it is cheating as such but it is annoying and as the old saying goes, if you cant beat them.....
Scripts like this are like camping. Its lame, but its not "wrong" as such. However, like being beaten by a camper, you know that the guy may win, but still isn't as skillful as you.
No, it's near impossible to do it manually, and gives an unfair advantage :)

I used to have pagedown bound to button4 of my mouse, and used to do it manually, but then realised how lame it was :|

I promptly took it off.
But see, if they take off the no-delay effect of the gravity gun, I won't use it that much at all anymore.

I usually use my weapons, then when someone throws something at me i whip it out and catch//throw it back in under a second. Now I'll just dodge it if it'll have a delay.
nothing annoys me more in deathmatch than hear the familiar kckckckckckckckckckckckckckkcckckkckc noise of someone using the gravgun to jump to some previously unreachable area. i.e. the roof on runoff or the surrounding buildings in overwatch.

I then swear a personal vendetta against said person
I can never grav jump more than a few feet in the air. Everyone else seems to do it easily but I can never do it unless it's an accident.
Grav-Flying is fun. Single most appealing thing in deathmatch...

*camps on top of the map in runoff*

Don't hurt me Flyingdebris!
You wussies, I do it without scripts and changing weapons. It's all about the object your on.
Jintor said:
Grav-Flying is fun. Single most appealing thing in deathmatch...

*camps on top of the map in runoff*

Don't hurt me Flyingdebris!
Word! Grav jumping rocks! :bounce:

Flyingdebris, vendetta huh? Bring it on baby, I'll throw so many closets at you that you'll wish you never bought the game!! :D

Btw, I changed the switch weapon button to page down, then I switched it back and left the game.
Next time I played, I was able to switch weapons with BOTH keys! Which means I can play as usual and kill you guys bigtime, swapping between grav gun and crossbow, AND I can shoot a car at your mother 2 miles away, all within milliseconds! :LOL:
OD-Black_Fire said:
You wussies, I do it without scripts and changing weapons. It's all about the object your on.
That's true, I can do without a script, but it doesn't work as often. But the problem with the script is that the object you're on kills you a lot of the time.