Can BF2 be modded??


Jan 23, 2004
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HL2 certainly can..I'm wondering if we will see the same thing with BF2. Remember the mods with BF 1942?? I hope the same thing will happen with BF2. Is it possible? Thanks. ;)
I WANT NIGHT MAPS!!! With night vision and infrared, and spec ops stealth squads, and flares, and that's all i can think of right now
WOOHOO- post 699!
I want ninja's. Or maybe the ability to run the game without any stuttering.
J_Tweedy said:
I WANT NIGHT MAPS!!! With night vision and infrared, and spec ops stealth squads, and flares, and that's all i can think of right now
WOOHOO- post 699!

I heard this was already in development.
And the mod tools haven't been released yet but will be soon. There have been plenty of ideas kicked around. Personally, I'm just looking forward to the ones that will improve the game as it is because I on't have much faith that EA will seriously do this in a patch.
I want the Special Forces to be more like Splinter Cell or something, that would be fun....
i want a million dollars :bounce:
my other request: i want to blow some member to bits :D
TheSomeone said:
There's like a million in development already:

They released the modding tools a few weeks prior to release.
they released them to certain people?

because this is the last I heard: (22nd day of release)
Community Update - 6/22/05

Mod Tool Update
As stated late last week, EA and DICE hoped to be able to release the first Beta version of the Battlefield 2 Editor today to all end users. Due to some unresolved issues, this will not happen. Our goal is now to make sure that the Open Beta Editor is ready for release by the end of June. Like the Battlefield 2 player community, we cannot wait to witness the burst of creativity that Mod teams unleash with these tools once we set them loose.

Stay tuned to this space for more news as we get closer to our Release Candidate
Mr. Redundant said:
they released them to certain people?

because this is the last I heard: (22nd day of release)

In a video interview with scott evans he said: "We released the modding tools for BF1942 after the release, we put then on the BFV CD itself, and now we're releasing it before BF2 comes out."

And they had a meet up with all the big mods at the EA headquarters in April to educate them on the mod tools.

Maybe they were talking about something eles :/ Or I'm just confused. I dunno.
TheSomeone said:
In a video interview with scott evans he said: "We released the modding tools for BF1942 after the release, we put then on the BFV CD itself, and now we're releasing it before BF2 comes out."

And they had a meet up with all the big mods at the EA headquarters in April to educate them on the mod tools.

Maybe they were talking about something eles :/ Or I'm just confused. I dunno.
well as the update on their site said, they "intended" to release the tools early, however it did not happen.

and they did hold mod expos for the mod makers (I think like 3 of them in different places) but they didn't release the tools, only taught them how to use them. (I saw videos and reviews of the events when they happened).

so now they are scheduled to be out by the end of this month (again, "they intend to have it out by the end of June") so that's something to look forward to for sure.

good thing however that the game is so good it's not like Im on the edge of my seat waiting like a lunatic on it... Im just enjoying the pewp outta BF2.
Oh okay.

Well it's not like you actually need the tools to get started. The Apocalypse mod has been in development since september 04.
They need to add "little bird" helicopters and hoverboats :), just for meeeee
EA and DICE hoped to be able to release the first Beta version of the Battlefield 2 Editor today to all end users. Due to some unresolved issues, this will not happen. Our goal is now to make sure that the Open Beta Editor is ready for release by the end of June.
Not again...

This sounds like the BF1942 modding tools. They missed being on the CD... then the patches... then the first expansion... then the second expansion. They finally got released long after the community had decyphered the file formats and coded all of the necessary tools from scratch. I don't know who was to blame... but to take almost two years to prepare the tools you just finished using to make the game is beyond slow... especially when they kept pretending they were supporting mod development and saying the tools would be in the next patch/expansion.

I hope it's different with the BF2 tools but I'm not going to get my hopes up.

Those of you who have been watching this space over the last couple of weeks are aware the BF2 Editor was intended to be released to the Community by the end of June. While we feel we are on the homestretch now in terms of being able to release a complete Battlefield 2 Mod Development Toolkit, we will not be able to meet our previously stated goal. At this time, we are committed to getting the Open Beta of the Battlefield 2 Editor released some time in July.