Can I change the draw distance for prefabs


Space Core
Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score
Like the title suggests, I got a shitty geforce4...

There seems to be a distance cap as to how far certain entities and prefabs can be seen before disappearing from view. this could range between 50 to 200 yards. Its okay for the smaller items but it doesn't look nice when parts of the scenary disappear (The supports from that bridge close to the magnetic crane is one such example).

Is this because my shitty graphics card, and its trying to keep FPS at its best. Does the distance cap improve with better graphics cards?

I'm hoping to get at least a radeon9800 over christmas (depending on my after christmas day budget ius like)

But can I change it manually at the moment
I also asked about this
The command is c_maxdistance
But it doesnt seam to do anything