Can I get the blue gravity gun in the console commands ?

posted by edge yesterday

Getting the Blue Gravity Gun
Load HL2 using the -console switch
Open the Console
Type the following, map d3_citadel_03
Once you have the Blue Gravity Gun you can now change to any level in the game and keep the Blue Gravity Gun.

Using the "map" command however will not allow you to keep the Blue Gravity Gun. You must use the "changelevel" command.

In the console use the "changelevel" command to switch to the level of your choice. To start the game at the beginning with the Blue Gravity Gun use the following command. "changelevel d1_trainstation_01"

(please start using the search feature on these forums, it would help us out alot more)
i wish there was an official code for it. It sucks how all bodies evaporate with all weapons after you do this.