Can I have my skin back please?


Jun 6, 2003
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Someone on the Blender forum I visit made a muscle shader which they put up for download. I tweaked it a bit and added it to a mesh I'm working on. It is obviously not perfect, but it is quite icky :)

Looks really good :) Credits to the maker. (and the tweaker)
Did a bit more tweaking, not sure which I prefer, this or the other one hehe. Probably the first.

I prefer the first. I like the bone, and this guy is quite buff!
This is what he looks like without the shader, I've still to finish modelling.

Wow, did you make that out of NURBs or polies?
Great skin and model!
Aye! Both of them are really cool :) But the model needs more "fat", it looks like he has a fat percentage of 0.
Hehe polys. The reason he doesn't have fat is he doesn't have anything over the layera of muscle :) I was doing this so I could work a lot of detail into the model and make it very organic, as there are many muscle groups.
It is pretty much just a model (incomplete so far) of human anatomy (muscles) like you see in biology books.
MaxiKana said:
Aye! Both of them are really cool :) But the model needs more "fat", it looks like he has a fat percentage of 0.

naturally if you donthave any skin, the fat falls off. :cheers: