Can I run Half Life 2?



1.8 Celeron
40GB Hard Drive
RADEON 9200 128MB vram
o and it is a emachines computer
opinions please
You can probably run it ok on Lowest settings.
tough call with that processor, lowest settings will be your new friend :)
can someone play it real quick on the lowest settings and take a screenshot of what it looks like because I am not gonna buy it if I am running it on low and it looks crappy.
so your buying that comp? for how much, because my brothers 2.7 ghz celeron with 768 mb of ram and an integrated video card wont even run source, and it plays cs 1.6 poorly...
thats my computer and its specs and I was wondering how well it will look and run
integrated video card sucks royal! <- thats why he can't play it.
Its a tough call because your processor is shite
but all the other specs are ok
you probably will be able to play it on low maybe even medium but well....a celeron!!ughh
That prosessor is ok... I have 1.5ghz AMD athlon and it runs well whit medium settings. I think more memory and a new 3D card would make it for u. I have Radeon 9600 XT and 512MB RAM
spaz1 a athlon 1.5 is MUCH faster than a celeron 1.8 even with that increase in mhz, but yeah itll run it, Im betting it wont be much time before your gonna get a new rig so you can just transfer it to that :eek:) (remember your login for steam or your sunk)
i have 1.3 ghz, 512 mb ram, geforce 4 mx440, and i play with medium settings, no aa, and ofcorse no dx9 features like the water, but it plays well...
AndrewTheGod said:
can someone play it real quick on the lowest settings and take a screenshot of what it looks like because I am not gonna buy it if I am running it on low and it looks crappy.
Here you go:

The resolution is 640x480 and all game settings are at lowest possible (also, no AA nor AF)
You should be able to run some settings on medium. You have a decent video card, so the CPU won't hurt you too much. You'll experience long load times with that CPU and RAM, but it will be OK.
Celerons are garbage processors, so you're probably gonna have a tough time.

Does your computer meet the system requirements, AndrewTheGod?

If so then why post?