Can i specify...



... the content server i use to do all that verification and validation?

cheers and soory if this has been asked:dork:
lame... cos atm im using valve content server 4, when theres a virrtually unused server in NZ(Gameplanet)
Originally posted by MjM
... the content server i use to do all that verification and validation?

cheers and soory if this has been asked:dork:

can u imagine the chaos that would cause?

a few servers would probably be overloaded because every person in and around that area would be trying to access it.. while other servers may not have much activity..

oh well i do understand ur frustration.. it kinda does suck that way
lol, BUT, theoretically, you could firewall out the IPs of all the servers, except the one you want to connect to, thereby forcing STEAM to connect to the only "responding" server there is..

IT WOULD WORK! You'd just have to figure out a way to get the IPs of all the STEAM servers.. .. lol